Get Ready for Digital False Flag Attacks
Rob Kall
One idea gaining momentum at the Pentagon is the notion of "equivalence." If a cyber attack produces the death, damage, destruction or high-level disruption that a traditional military attack would cause, then it would be a candidate for a "use of force" consideration, which could merit retaliation.
In part, the Pentagon intends its plan as a warning to potential adversaries of the consequences of attacking the U.S. in this way. "If you shut down our power grid, maybe we will put a missile down one of your smokestacks," said a military official.
Treating computer sabotage as war is another leap beyond treating the crimes of a terrorist group as war. It opens the door to wars the Pentagon wanted anyway. The Pentagon will not be going into wars it opposes and wants to avoid, even if there is a "cyber-attack" to respond to. The Pentagon will, however, jump at any justification for a war it already wanted. And this, of course, makes more likely the provocation of computer sabotage, the faking of computer sabotage, and/or the accidental misinterpretation of computer sabotage. Given how many accidents have nearly taken us into nuclear war over the decades, do we really want this door opened?
But here's the catch: it doesn't matter what we want. The Pentagon openly tells the President how many troops to escalate or withdraw. The CIA openly tells the President what war crimes must not be prosecuted. We have special forces in many countries and a war in Libya, completely outside any rule of law. The Defense Authorization Act of 2012 that passed the House on Thursday and now goes to the Senate unconstitutionally gives the President the "legal" power to make war almost anywhere anytime. A President/Pentagon with that power will feel itself entitled to launch wars on the flimsiest of justifications. Assertions that a "cyber war" has been started by someone else whose nation must now be bombed or occupied will be no more verifiable by the American public or the Congress than the official outputs of electronic voting machines. Nothing good can come of this.
Smokestacks? At last count, China has 3,456,962 smokestacks; Iran only 1,298,135. And there are countless other possible enemies with equally countless smokestacks. This means, of course, the U.S. war industry will have to get busy producing at least as many missiles, drones, etc. to do the job. It will be expensive, but other priorities will have to wait. This will make us all much more secure. Right.
And how will we know about who attacked us and which country must be held responsible. No problem. UIF Gen. Keith Alexander, who leads not only the National Security Agency but also the new Pentagon agency on cyber warfare, can be counted on not only to serve up pure, unadulterated intelligence, but to carry out cyber countermeasures. UIF? It stands for "un-indicted felon." It is a felony to lie to Congress -- the more so in violation of a formal oath to uphold the Constitution in discharge of one's official duties. And that is precisely what Gen. Alexander did. It is no secret.
Alexander lied to House Intelligence Committee member Rush Holt (D-NJ) in December 2005 when Holt asked him directly whether NSA was taking part in warrantless eavesdropping on American citizens. Unfortunately for Alexander, the New York Times published the true story just days later. At the time Congresman Holt reportedly declared that he would see to it that Alexander would never be promoted.
So who's afraid of Congress? Far from being reprimanded, Alexander got his fourth star AND a new, highly sensitive agency to head. So relax, fellow Americans, we are all safe in his hands.
Author's Bio:
Rob Kall is executive editor, publisher and site architect of, Host of the Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show (WNJC 1360 AM), President of Futurehealth, Inc, inventor . He is also published regularly on the
With his experience as architect and founder of a technorati top 100 blog, he is also a new media / social media consultant and trainer for corporations, non-profits, entrepreneurs and authors.
Rob is a frequent Speaker on the bottom up revolution, politics, The art, science and power of story, heroes and the hero's journey, Positive Psychology, Stress, Biofeedback and a wide range of subjects. He is a campaign consultant specializing in tapping the power of stories for issue positioning, stump speeches and debates, and optimizing tapping the power of new media. He recently retired as organizer of several conferences, including StoryCon, the Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of Story and The Winter Brain Meeting on neurofeedback, biofeedback, Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology. See more of his articles here and, older ones, here.
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-While I'm registered as a Democrat, I consider myself to be a dynamic critic of the Democratic party, just as, well, not quite as much, but almost as much as I am a critic of republicans.
-My articles express my personal opinion, not the opinion of this website.
Recent press coverage in the Wall Street Journal: Party's Left Pushes for a Seat at the Table
May 31, 2011