Is trying to divert readers away from WND's book?
from Corsi hit?
Published, selling same 'Where's the Birth Certificate?' title by 'Skylar Blue' trying to divert readers away from Jerome Corsi's "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President," a New York Times best-seller that CNN has credited with returning the dispute over Obama's eligibility to the national stage?
After all, it published its own book with a nearly identical title: "Where's the Birth Certificate?: My Diary that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President;" Amazon offers the book as an alternative when readers search for Corsi's best-seller, it's portrayed as a compilation of blank pages where the reader writes his thoughts, and Amazon apparently doesn't deliver the book.
It's own customers are warning others that the "Diary" isn't the real deal.
"This book is NOT the book you are most likely searching for. If you want the book on the best-sellers lists, this is NOT it. BEWARE!" wrote reader A. Upshir on the reviews page. "I don't know why this person has released a book by the same title as the long anticipated book by Dr. Corsi, but it sure isn't fair to consumers or Corsi. Corsi is a best-selling author and researched this story for over two years. Who is the guy publishing this?"
The publisher is Amazon. The book image lists "CreateSpace" as the publisher, and that division's website identifies itself as an Amazon company. It offers distribution services so consumers can sell books or CDs "for a fraction of the cost of traditional manufacturing."
It boasts of offering more than two million titles.
The author is listed on the website as "Skylar Blue," who also, according to Amazon, wrote, "The Gay Man's Cookbook" and "Osama Bin Laden: 1957-2011: The American Jihad."
But the images of the book online also reveal that the copyright is claimed by "David H. Bowser II," who published through "CreateSpace." He also is credited with writing, "Home for the Holidays There's No Place Like Home…" but his own website reveals no contact information.
The images provided of the "Diary" book reveal a page stating, "This Diary Belongs to: _____" with a blank lines following for address and telephone number.
It tells readers, "This is your work; your chance to make what is wrong, right again. Start from the beginning when Barack Obama was first born (In Hawaii? Kenya?) or from when the cover-up within the Democratic party started, it's up to you!"
It continues, "Try to make it a family 'game night' by giving assignments to your loved ones. Use your resources! Internet, Libraries, your state representatives, your Civil Liberties (before they're all taken away). Anything that you seem fit (sic)!"
A WND reader confirmed that the book had been ordered online, but Amazon responded with a negative.
"We're writing about the order you placed on May 31 2011 (Order# XXX-XXXXXXX). Unfortunately, we are unable to ship the item(s) as soon as we expected and need to provide you with a new estimate of when the item(s) may be delivered:
"Skylar Blue 'Where's the Birth Certificate?: My Diary that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President' Estimated arrival date: June 02 2011 - June 03 2011.
"Because we were unable to meet our guaranteed delivery date promise, we are refunding the shipping charges for your entire order. This refund should be processed within the next few days, and we will send you an e-mail to let you know when the refund has been completed."
Multiple WND messages left with Amazon, as well as emails sent to the company address, seeking a comment on the situation did not generate any response. But Alison Grand, a spokeswoman for Grand Communications, which represents CreateSpace, said it was a novelty book in the diary category, but the company would have little knowledge of it or the author, as the type of self-publishing procedures the company incorporates leave virtually all such decisions to those paying the bills.
The book image describes the author, "Skylar Blue," as "a practicing Truthologist, [who] has been an avid supporter of the Birther movement from its infancy. He is president of the Birther's Society, and has spoken with many active volunteers for the grassroots movement sweeping the nation. He currently lives in rural Pennsylvania."
The "Diary" product explains, "President Obama can't prove it, Can you? Here's your chance to prove why our Commander-in-chief is unfit for the duty of President of the United States of America. Your chance to give the details of he and his cronies cover-ups (sic) of the master plan. Your chance to right what is wrong. 'Where's the Birth Certificate?: My Diary that Barack Obama is not Eligble (sic) to be President' is here for the TRUE Americans. Get to work America and get rid of Barack Obama, help expose the Obama eligibility cover-up…"
The "Diary" is described as 100 pages, ranking No. 280,638.
"Rip-off, Self Published Junk," wrote A. Upshir.
"HP" had further troubles with Amazon, and wrote about them.
"I did not authorize you to record my CC info or to ise (sic) it again without authorization. I will dispute the charge with MC because I did not authorize it … Now I will have to report this unauthorized action and cancel the credit card account."
The related links on the "Diary" page led to retailers offering items both supporting and criticizing Obama.
CafePress offerings included a T-shirt with a picture of Obama's "birth certificate" image, and the slogan "It's so fake … and so is Obama."
Another had an image of Obama with the slogan, "100 percent American."
Yet another read, "My president is a proud honor student of Kenya elementary."
An online book review by Kam Williams discussed Corsi's actual book, then said:
"With the help of Donald Trump, the notion that Barack was born outside of the U.S. began to catch fire this spring, at least until the president finally called a press conference on April 27th, the very same day that a book called 'Where's the Birth Certificate?' was being published by Skylar Blue. So, by releasing his original birth certificate, Obama ostensibly headed that opus off at the pass while simultaneously torpedoing Trump's political aspirations.
"I think most folks considered the birther issue put to rest once and for all, but now along comes another tome with the same title as Blue's. This 'Where's the Birth Certificate?' was written by Jerome R. Corsi, author of Unfit for Command, which questioned the veracity of Senator John Kerry's service record during the war in Vietnam."
The legitimate "Where's the Birth Certificate" by Corsi previously hit No. 1 at, and then debuted at No. 6 on the New York Times best-sellers list and was listed on other major best-sellers lists as well.
CNN reported the book "argues President Obama is not a natural-born U.S. Citizen and therefore cannot be president."
In its first week in release, the WND Book reached No. 8 on the Wall Street Journal non-fiction list.
On USA Today's list, the book scored at 26 overall in the combined rankings of fiction and non-fiction.
And, on the Publisher's Weekly bestsellers list, the book came in at No. 9 among non-fiction.
The book topped out at No. 1 at Amazon nearly a month ago in pre-release, and most recently was No. 1 among books on government, constitutional law and other categories.
The author, Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., senior staff reporter for WND, is the author of many other New York Times best-sellers, including two that made the top of the list – "Unfit for Command" and "The Obama Nation."
"Where's the Birth Certificate" is available autographed by Corsi exclusively at the WND Superstore. |