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Grassfire Nation Update



On November 20, just 53 days from today, the Federal

Communications Commission (FCC) will unconstitutionally

seize control of the Internet through their Net Neutrality



Not only will the move destroy one of the last, great

free-market frontiers our nation and the world has ever

seen, but the move will also kill an estimated 100,000

to 200,000 real jobs -- not to be confused with the fake

jobs created by President Obama and his socialist cronies.


It gets worse...


Having granted itself the authority to regulate the

Internet, the FCC has already begun strong-arming Internet

Providers into supporting Net Neutrality guidelines on

themselves or risk FCC imposed penalties.


As a result, we are beginning to see early signs of what

awaits religious and politically conservative websites.

Web-hosting companies are starting to suspend these

websites -- classifying them as "hate sites."


According to a Sept. 15, 2011 article in the Washington

Times, Internet media giants aren't giving Christian and

other faith-based groups a fair shake.


Unless grassroots Americans rise up and challenge this

federal power-grab, and demand Congress protect First

Amendment free speech rights on the Internet, conservatives

can and likely will be effectively silenced - removing

the last hurdle for a radical socialist agenda to be

implemented in our nation!


 Americans have just 53 days to act.


+ + Will you allow yourself to be gagged by the FCC?


A just released poll by the Terrance Group reports that

nearly three out of four Americans believe the regulatory

burden is too high in this country. Moreover, "65 percent

of voters - and 67 percent of Democrats - oppose agencies

regulating without the approval of Congress."


Yet despite an overwhelming majority of Americans opposed

to the regulatory move, Obama continues pushing aside the

constitution and our rights as citizens. He even arrogantly

bragged about his actions saying, "Until Nancy Pelosi is

speaker again, I'd like to work my way around Congress."


Don't let these next 53 days pass without taking action.

Demand the Senate move rapidly to pass SJ Res. 6, a Joint

Resolution of Disapproval to overturn the Net Neutrality



Click below and fax your personal comments to your South Dakota

Representative and two Senators, as well as other key

lawmakers regarding the FCC power-grab of the Internet.


Click here to schedule your faxes for delivery:


For your convenience, Grassfire Nation has made it easy

for you to download the fax numbers, and the letters if

you prefer to send them on your own. Regardless of the

methods you choose, it is important for citizens to act.


After scheduling your faxes, forward this alert to 25-30

friends and family inviting them to take action with you

and against this federal power-grab that is set to go into

effect on November 20.


Have them click here to sign our petition:


Be sure to tell them they have just 53 days with which to

make an impact on this unconstitutional power-grab by the

FCC -- a move that could silence the conservative voice.


Grassfire Nation will deliver these petitions to key

members of the Senate in the weeks ahead.


Thank you for your outstanding efforts.


Grassfire Nation


+   +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  +  +   +   +   +   +   +

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This e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal

messages. To contact Grassfire Nation with comments, questions

or to change your status, see link at the end.)



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+ +


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