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Google Refuses Law Enforcement Request To Remove Videos Of Police Brutality From YouTube

| Oct. 27, 2011, 11:03 AM | 6,161 | 25 A A A inShare32 olsen down at occupy oakland wall street See Also: android secret shhh 11 Killer Features That Android Users Don't Want The Apple Fanboys To Know About Here's What Sparked 'Occupy' Movements From Chile To Germany Here's What Sparked 'Occupy' Movements From Chile To Germany linette on piers morgan The TRUTH About Being An Audience Member On Piers Morgan's Michael Moore And Occupy Wall Street Special Videos of police brutality at Occupy Oakland are all over the Internet. A few local law enforcement agencies would like to get the videos off of YouTube, going so far as to submit a request. The Internet giant refused. Here's what Google said in a blog post explaining the decision: We received a request from a local law enforcement agency to remove YouTube videos of police brutality, which we did not remove. Separately, we received requests from a different local law enforcement agency for removal of videos allegedly defaming law enforcement officials. We did not comply with those requests, which we have categorized in this Report as defamation requests. UPDATE: The videos in question were not related to Occupy Oakland, but rather from sometime between January and July 2011. We regret the error and are looking into whether any local law enforcement agencies requested Google remove videos related to Occupy Oakland. Here's one of the videos: (h/t Anthony De Rosa) Please follow SAI: Media on Twitter and Facebook. Follow Noah Davis on Twitter. Ask Noah A Question > Tags: Google, Occupy Wall Street, YouTube | Get Alerts for these topics » Advertisement: Short URL Share: Twitter Facebook Buzz Digg StumbleUpon Reddit LinkedIn Email Embed Alerts Newsletter Blackboard Home » Google Google Summary Google Inc. is a multinational Internet search technologies corporation. Google hosts and develops numerous Internet-based services and products, and generates profit primarily from advertising. The company was founded by Larry... More » YouTube YouTube Summary YouTube was founded in February 2005 by former PayPal employees Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim. The site allows people to upload and share video clips on and across the Internet through websites, mobile... More » Noah Davis Editor, SAI: Media Contact: e-mail: Subscribe to his RSS feed | twitter feed Ask Noah a Question Recent Posts AOL Really Missed The Boat ... This Woman Is Trying To Tur... Bill Gates Thinks Everyone ... The Water Cooler Receive email updates on new comments! 25 Comments 14 37 Flag as Offensive robt on Oct 27, 11:07 AM said: What? The police actually use force if you don't comply with their requests? I always thought those guns and clubs were symbolic. Reply 23 3 Flag as Offensive Skull & Bones on Oct 27, 11:12 AM said: @robt: I'm concerned now. I'll begin to get very worried when the police start "goose-stepping" on their way to the protests. Heil Amerika! Reply 7 34 Flag as Offensive Lawrence on Oct 27, 11:16 AM said: @robt: Why isn't Buisness Insider posting videos of violent actions by the protesters? The liberals at BI ARE LYING TO YOU. BI wants you to think the protesters are nonviolent. THE PROTESTERS ARE VIOLENT. "Police said protesters threw M-80 fireworks at the officers as well as objects including bottles, rocks, pots and pans. Police added that they responded by firing about four "bean-bag rounds" at protesters. "officers deployed gas a second time at about 7:45 p.m. after demonstrators refused to follow an order to disperse." Reply 25 3 Flag as Offensive DMG on Oct 27, 11:21 AM said: @robt: First off, if they are followed up with force they are obviously demands not "requests". Second, why do the police have the power to allow something one day and then deny it the next with no change in the law? This kind of 'discretion' represents the arbitrary power to be judge, jury and executioner and is what underpins every totalitarian state. The job of the police should be to support protests in a representative republic, not try to shut them down when they grow tired of the people exercising their Rights under the Constitution. Most Americans cheered when the Egyptian Army stood by and did nothing to stop the protests there. Why are many of these same Americans so eager for police intervention here? Reply 2 30 Flag as Offensive Liberals are hypocrites on Oct 27, 11:26 AM said: @robt: Wait...let me guess. Google HAS taken down the videos of the liberal idiots rioting, right? Reply 5 3 Flag as Offensive But... on Oct 27, 11:28 AM said: @Lawrence: ... the protesters in Middle East are peace-loving human beings that just want their freedom right? And their police is evil. I am glad we clarified things. Reply 6 1 Flag as Offensive Orf on Oct 27, 11:50 AM said: @Skull & Bones: "I'll begin to get very worried when the police start "goose-stepping" on their way to the protests." Won't ever happen. They can't move their legs that high -- their sagging, over-sized gut gets in the way. Hell, most of them would pass out from the exertion after a single block. Too many donuts. Reply 8 0 Flag as Offensive Tiananmen Square, Oakland, CA on Oct 27, 5:16 PM said: @But...: '... the protesters in Middle East are peace-loving human beings that just want their freedom right? And their police is evil.' Indeed. In the USA the people is evil and the police are given by God. Reply 9 1 Flag as Offensive badbob on Oct 27, 5:30 PM said: @Lawrence: Are you sure it's not the police lying to you? Why do you always assume the police are "clean" Reply 38 2 Flag as Offensive fresno dan on Oct 27, 11:08 AM said: Good for google - this is the USA, not China - although apparently a good number of our "leaders" admire their governing style. Reply 12 0 Flag as Offensive Steve, out in BFE on Oct 27, 1:35 PM said: @fresno dan: +1.....yeah, cops don't mind being videotaped by "Cops", or any other TV show that only shows them as being heros and protectors of society. Having recently had an experience with our local police department when you dare ask them questions, I'm realizing the maybe blacks and minorities are telling the truth about our boys in blue.......seems like their tactics are to attempt to generate a reaction from you, so they can arrest you. I'm starting to believe that everyone should put video cameras in their cars, to make sure that everything that happens in traffic stops get recorded. Reply 17 1 Flag as Offensive Pizz on Oct 27, 11:10 AM said: Big brother knows what's best for you... for all of us. This action the US gov't is taking (or trying to take) shows just how grave this video is, and just how scared they are of losing power. Reply 0 0 Flag as Offensive Druthers on Oct 29, 3:00 AM said: @Pizz: And how much they need and want to use a memory hole.Add a comment... Reply 4 3 Flag as Offensive dug on Oct 27, 11:10 AM said: shameful. Reply 26 4 Flag as Offensive imdwightgooden on Oct 27, 11:14 AM said: are you disgusted yet americans? are you still proud of the 'land of the free and the home of the brave'? and yet many of you still want to give these people more power... to give more money away to a central authority and to cede more of your rights and freedoms hoping that you can be saved from the economic doom that awaits you deserve this america... this long walk home is gonna feel like the bataan march and you'll deserve every last bit of it long.walk.home. Reply 7 2 Flag as Offensive George Parr on Oct 27, 11:21 AM said: @imdwightgooden: I agree with the general tone of your post: too much power to corrupt politicians. Yet I would point out that this was the local police department, I think, not the FBI, was it not? Reply 12 0 Flag as Offensive imdwightgooden on Oct 27, 11:30 AM said: @George Parr: this is not an isolated incident... it is happening all over the country not only in police forces but with the TSA and Homeland security and the FBI but you just wait... with the economy as it is and showing no signs of getting better, these protesters will grow in number... and joining their ranks will be people in the military, especially seeing as we'll have a lot of them returning from overseas in iraq w/no job prospects in the homeland... but they will have ballistics training and at some point it'll be cops on one side and former military on the other and it ain't gonna be pretty Reply 1 0 Flag as Offensive shootingblanks00 on Oct 28, 5:34 PM said: @imdwightgooden: Add a comment...Plus 10 on this. I am an american and can't wait for TSTHTF. We have it coming and it won't be soon enough! The cops are digging their own grave and they will have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. They better get rid of their uniform and go home to protect their own families. Reply 18 1 Flag as Offensive Paul on Oct 27, 11:19 AM said: It's a legal assembly (protest) until the police decide it's not. Good for Google, show the world. Reply 19 1 Flag as Offensive Fight the Pigs on Oct 27, 11:24 AM said: Thruout history Cops have always proven themselves to be nothing more than SWINE and the henchmen of the opressors of the day. F the PIGS! Reply 8 1 Flag as Offensive George Parr on Oct 27, 11:29 AM said: I invite you all to check this video at the Daily Bail: It seems that the injured protester is a Marine Veteran. So much for all the silly jokes about the protesters and their ipads/iphones etc. Reply 1 1 Flag as Offensive Tiananmen Square, Oakland, CA on Oct 27, 5:24 PM said: @George Parr: "It seems that the injured protester is a Marine Veteran. " There are plenty of them amongst the protesters, which is interesting. OWS has a military backbone created by the US government. This reminds me on Taliban, which was created by the US. Reply 17 0 Flag as Offensive riddler2 on Oct 27, 11:50 AM said: Compare and contrast with the actions of the Albany PD, which declined the requests of their own Mayor and Governor to disperse the OWS crowds, saying that since the crowds were peaceful and exerscising their rights as Americans, it was a much better policy to leave the crowds alone. As they said, they know policiing, which apparently the Mayor and Governor don't. Reply 9 0 Flag as Offensive P Smith on Oct 27, 2:29 PM said: Why would pigs ask for the videos to be removed? The only reason to ask is that the pigs have something to hide, crimes that pigs committed which they don't want shown to the public. If pigs can make that insinuation about people they terrorize...I mean, interrogate, then the public can ask that of the pigs. It's only fair. Reply 1 0 Flag as Offensive jojo miller on Oct 28, 5:32 PM said: That was prudent of Google,because ever since they've been +1 and binging the results of searchs with ads on top, I've been using them less and less. Caving to the cops would have been the final nail in that coffin. Reply Join the discussion with Business Insider Login With Facebook Login With Twitter Name (Required) Email Address (Required but never displayed) URL Join the discussion with your Facebook Login Send Us A Tip! Get SAI: Media Emails & Alerts Learn More » Advertisement Your Money NASDAQ Composite 2,712 +5.64 (+0.208%) S&P 500 1,268 -16.82 (-1.309%) NYSE Composite 7,669 -135.41 (-1.735%) The Engage-O-Meter 13,308 Powered by chartbeat Active Users on BI right now... 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Videos of police brutality at Occupy Oakland are all over the Internet.

A few local law enforcement agencies would like to get the videos off of YouTube, going so far as to submit a request.

The Internet giant refused.

Here's what Google said in a blog post explaining the decision:

We received a request from a local law enforcement agency to remove YouTube videos of police brutality, which we did not remove. Separately, we received requests from a different local law enforcement agency for removal of videos allegedly defaming law enforcement officials. We did not comply with those requests, which we have categorized in this Report as defamation requests.

UPDATE: The videos in question were not related to Occupy Oakland, but rather from sometime between January and July 2011. We regret the error and are looking into whether any local law enforcement agencies requested Google remove videos related to Occupy Oakland.

Here's one of the videos:


Oct. 27, 2011