SOPA Applied to Mary Neal Anyway
MaryLovesJustice Neal
GET INTERESTING EMAILS. One this week says: "The game stops when women are kidnapped and held hostage. and when innocent people are found dead with no explanation." I answered that that was very sinful. Responding email: "Under these so-called homeland security laws on 'indefinite detention for U.S. national security reasons,' a hostage entrapped in a deadly, violent terror situation was PREVENTED from testifying about her own abuse, torture, entrapment and blackmail ------ thus keeping her TRAPPED longer ------ Do you get it now?" Obviously, the writer was referring to indefinite detention under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which I advocate against. The writer was probably speaking in a general sense. I hope new presidential powers will never be used to punish Americans for asking the government about missing disabled relatives who died in secret government custody like my handicapped brother Larry Neal did in 2003 and roughly 400,000 mentally challenged German citizens who were eliminated as "useless life" in the 1940s before the Jewish Holocaust got underway. I do not think it is a good idea to give any official the power to order people into concentration camps - Learn about concentration camps at the immediately preceding link to Jewish Virtual Library. Of course, concentration camps are not foreign to America. Blacks' slave quarters were camps. The early Indian reservations were essentially concentration camps. Japanese Americans had the experience, and 2.3 million prisoners are in concentration camps today. Some are working up to 72 hours per week on jobs that were outsourced to prisons by government entities and corporations that escape rules regarding the 40-hour work week, worker safety regulations, and minimum wage laws.
I do not know if I will write on these subjects again, so if you are interested in truth-telling, please print the article and visit the articles at the links. Read "Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)," by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) at . With the ACTA treaty having been signed in November 2011, websites like mine that propound liberty and justice may be taken offline under orders by China or another totalitarian country among the eight countries that have or may soon join the international intelligence properties treaty.
Under NDAA, U.S. presidents need present no reason whatsoever for victims' indefinite internment in military detention camps where some will suffer torture, according to the email I received and reports I read on the web. That kingly power was bestowed on the U.S. president's office by Congress and signed into law by the president in December 2012. Subsequent presidents will continue to have that power unless and until it is repealed, as Ron Paul's H.R.3785 proposes. I advocate for passage of that bill in my blogs and tweets. I also use online services to seek open disclosure and accountability about the secret arrest and wrongful death of Larry Neal at . Since mentally ill Americans have no respected right of life, I founded Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI), an online advocacy organization to decriminalize mental illness in our nation.
AIMI's censorship is intense. What's worse, I was attacked by a directed energy weapon that was apparently implanted in my laptop during one of its repairs, because someone is always awake in my house and it could not have been done during a burglary (we sleep in shifts). I will TRY to post a video with my blood and tissue. Directed energy weapons set at low levels in altered appliances such as computers can cause cancer over time. Such weapons can also emit enough juice to cause heart attacks or anuisms to induce sudden death. Researching directed energy weaponry brings to mind numerous advocates and public figures who died of cancers and inoperative tumors in recent years. Among them were Coretta Scott King, Ted Kennedy, Johnnie Cochran, and Troy Davis's sister, Martina, who was a strong anti-DP advocate . I announced her death at the preceding link in my FreeSpeakBlog (the name is a joke, believe me). Someone should a send those people's computers to forensics labs. Information about directed energy weaponry is at this link: The directed energy device may have been in my computer for some time emitting low levels of radiation, but I wrote some articles that my cyberstalkers really hated, and I got blasted! "Presidential Commission: Directed Energy Weaponry Used on American Citizens in Tests," by Shepard Ambellas and Joe Joseph, of The Intel Hub - That is a good source of information about directed energy weaponry that nearly took me out this week. Activists and others, beware!
I strongly suspect Michael Moon, the computer technician who substituted himself for the tech from a company I called to remove Trojans and viruses stalkers had sent my computer in April 2010. I made a police report about Moon extorting me of $80 for the computer repair since he actually loaded more viruses and Trojans on my laptop and fixed it so that I could not go online at all unless I called his shop first. He had me make the check payable to "AHS," which were not his initials nor the name of the shop I called. It was not even the name of the business Moon represented himself as being from. He presented me with a business card for a company that Georgia Secretary of State's office listed as having gone out of business four years before his service call to my home. I wrote about Moon in my article, "HOME INVASION!" and a follow-up article called, "The Heathens Rage" I spoke with Moon's secretary about the computer sabotage, and she told me she never heard of any customers writing service checks to "AHS." Moon was out of the office. He immediately called the secretary and fired her, saying she gave me too much information. I assume from that call that Moon is also my telephone stalker. His secretary agreed that was possible since he was able to tell her what she said to me. That is probably how the stalkers know when I plan to leave home and where I will go. Can you guess how I want my life insurance used if I catch cancer?
Stalkers also use the Neal family's computers and cellphones to hear every word in our home, and perhaps they use powerful listening devices that allow people to hear conversations outside across the space of two football fields. We noticed last summer that if we stand at the top of our driveway and talk, there is a strong echo. What would cause that? You can see my home on the video entitled "Gangstalking Mary Neal re Prisoner Advocacy" at this link . Most of the homes you see around mine on the video are listed at DeKalb County Tax Assessors office as "9-public utility gov." I asked the staff in that office why so many homes around mine are government-owned, and they had no explanation. Ordinarily foreclosed houses are sold as soon as possible, but those around the Neals were reserved empty without any "for sale" or "for rent" signs until the end of our federal lawsuit against The Cochran Firm for defrauding my family to help police escape disclosure and lawsuit regarding Larry's murder. After the judge ruled that crimes against our family were "immaterial," every one of the houses that had been empty from six months to a year filled with people who seemed to already know each other. These are not my stalkers only. I saw two of them working with Occupy Atlanta, and one had attached himself to an elderly human rights activist I met at the Malcolm X picnic in Atlanta last summer. Same guys. One never knows who another is these days. See "Mary Neal's Black History Month 2011 and see that there have always been citizens police among us.
See my article, "Citizens Police, My New Neighbors and Yours" in my FreeSpeakBlog at this link: Whenever we go outside, someone will come outside from one of the houses and stay as long as we do, no matter what the weather is like. One day I kept the lady in the yellow house outside pretending to sweep her driveway for two hours while I sat on my porch and read a book on a 100-degree summer day just for the hell of it. A black man in a tan pickup truck seems to be their supervisor. He drives by and they nod and he points at them, probably meaning "good job." I videotape their antics that are done in person and on computer. See my video channel JKEMPP703 at . Because of what happened to Larry and other mentally ill prisoners, like the young Hispanic man who starved to death in a Utah jail in 2011, as well as the crimes I endure which police refuse to investigate, I try to convince Americans that repealing NDAA powers under H.R.3785 is a really good idea.
It is strange for officials in a "democracy" to want NDAA indefinite detention powers, and it is unacceptable for our elected officials to overstep the Constitution and bestow them on the president's office. How can any of them know who will be president in six years or even next year and have absolute power over Americans that the founding fathers never intended for anyone to have - powers that YOU should abhor anyone having over yourself, your family and friends. I do not mean to be insulting, but that kind of blind trust coming from adults attests to retardation or brainwashing. Perhaps I missed it because staying in the house for a year and a half to dodge stalkers after a terrifying incident that happened on September 27, 2008 kept me out of chemtrails. Use this link to access "Mary Neal Finally Heard From Police Re 911 Emergency Call When Waylaid." Sometimes Americans act so zombie-like about protecting their human rights that I feel like I have been transported to a planet of Stepford Wives Watch some of that movie at the preceding link. I try to awaken you in my articles and tweets at , but the hypnosis is deep indeed. One of my family members suggested that people have a supernaturally-induced trust. How else could the one world dictatorship come to power that is foretold in Revelation wherein over two-thirds of earth's population will be killed and the rest enslaved?
A young man who admitted in 2011 that he was "paid well" to follow me to DeKalb County, Georgia public libraries told me that he is related to Michael Moon. There are several other young black men who have a strong family resemblance to Moon and his stalker relative. They frequently visit the family across the street from my home, who are moving this week since I reported online about my directed energy attack. I now report these things to my readers instead of police. Police threatened to arrest and Taser me for exposing The (Johnnie) Cochran Firm fraud to people on public sidewalks in Atlanta and DeKalb County Police who made a special trip to my home to tell me I'd better not report to their superiors that they refuse to address crimes against my family and me, including stalking in person and online as well as blocking my telephone calls. The men followed me wherever I went for the last two years.
If I say on my tapped phone that I am about to leave home, they stand on the porch across the street or actually sit on hot concrete in the driveway and watch my house, presumably to see who comes to drive me. Stalkers with a strong resemblance to Michael Moon take turns following me, usually two at a time. They get on whatever train car I do and show up wherever I try to use the computer at rental locales or public libraries. I gave up driving after being accosted by four vehicles and a pickup truck with USDOT in large black letters on both doors in September 2008 and 911 failed to dispatch a police car to the Chevron station where my grandson and I, and later my niece, were waylaid at a Chevron station for around an hour. I gave the IP addresses my computer security system captured that belong to my stalkers and the car tag number for the stalker who admitted he was paid well to stalk me in police reports. But authorities refuse to address the crimes against the Neals: Larry's murder, stalking online and in person, removal of emails, disruption of online services, and terrorism.
I doubt if police would address the attack by the directed energy weapon either, but I will not make a police report and give an excuse to take my laptop. Someone may be able to slip into the police property room and remove the device. I suppose I should not be surprised at the lack of police services since I have a court order from United States District Court which says that crimes against my family are "immaterial," and the USDOJ refuses to address Larry Neal's secret arrest and murder in Memphis Shelby County Jail. I suppose my family's attempted murder through radiation poisoning cannot be a crime since Larry's murder is not. We're black people from the 99%, after all. I think the media and large human and civil rights organizations have been told not to address our terrorism, censorship, and Larry's murder under secret arrest.
Five links the stalkers turned gray in my next article in this blog entitled "SOLIDARITY WITH REV. PINKNEY AND THE 99% . They turned the link immediately preceding this sentence gray, but I turned it blue. The five links stalkers turned gray in the Rev. Pinkney article are listed below:
Missouri Writ Writers - website of Esteban Garcia, author of "U.S. Jailhouse Lawyers Manual"
Mary Neal's FreeSpeakBlog
Mary Neal's MaryLovesJustice blog
Mary Neal's Justice Gagged blog
Lynne Stewart's blog - She is a former activist lawyer who is now a political prisoner in Texas.
The article "SOLIDARITY WITH REV. PINKNEY AND THE 99%" has 21 links, but the stalker obviously had instructions to code those five above. In my Blogger settings, all of my links are to be blue in MaryLovesJustice blog. I don't know what those five links are coded to do now. Sometimes stalkers code parts of my articles and blogs not to be eligible for copy/paste or print functions. They can do this with text as well as links. Also, stalkers can redirect your links so that they do not open the target websites. That is one of the applications that would have applied to everyone if SOPA had passed. I advocated against S.968 in an effort to save you from being treated like I am. The Bible says, "Love thy neighbor."
The gray links in my articles may not open at all for parties using a cellphone. Many black and brown people in America and poor whites still do not have their own computers and use cellphones for their Internet access. Coding links not to open on cellphone view keeps information from them. MaryLovesJustice blog visitors are invited to play with the gray links and see what happens! You never know with my assigned stalkers. I usually put the announce the number of links in my articles several places throughout the blogs. I found that if I only list the number of links in the first line, stalkers code my articles to open AFTER the first few lines. No one sees that data using certain cellphones unless they elect to "go to page 1." Do you wonder WHO pays for the interference to contain news about justice in America? Below are seventeen(17) tweets that did not register on my home page at Twitter as they should. When my tweets skip my home page but show on my profile page, I always wonder did they skip EVERYBODY'S home pages and lists that think they follow my tweets.
I caution all activists, politicians, and high-profile people to take your computers to a forensics company to check for directed energy devices. Never leave your computers overnight with a repair shop, because they could presumably be burglarized and the device implanted without the shops' owners knowing. It would seem advisable to learn to do your own computer work or purchase another machine if yours is attacked by Trojans and viruses. That may be a tactic to get your machine to a technician for implanting. Secondly, please reconsider if you plan to picket at the Democratic National Convention. The Charlotte, North Carolina Police Department is reportedly spending up to $25million dollars for police equipment. What are they buying with all that money - drones? Tanks? Perhaps a huge amount of money will also be spent when the GOP has its convention. Just stay home and petition for a redress of grievances by writing to officials at . The stalker just turned that link to contact officials gray, and I turned it back blue. Read above about my link-stalking and see a film showing it to you in real-time at my article "Sen. Wyden, Emancipate Georgia's Last Slave" in this MaryLovesJustice blog. Lord have mercy, I don't know what these people are doing. It reminds me of the black and white Nazi movies I used to watch in the 1950s. I may not try much more to wake up my sleeping fellow Americans. If 2012 is the end of this age like some people believe, I might prefer to spend it doing something fun. Jesus will come and get His church right before Tribulation. Try not to fall for what the Bible calls "the great deception" if millions of Christians disappear one day soon. Know that you were left behind, and do not take the Mark, which is likely a microchip.
I feel like I have done my part to warn you, and I have certainly been long-suffering like God requires of his servants. See seven(17) tweets below that never went to my Twitter home page but may be visible at @koffietime - The censorship staff will not allow a "follow me at Twitter" to work on any of my Blogger blogs, but you should be able to review my tweets by using that link to my profile page. I am not sure what shows there on computers that don't share my IP connection. I learned long ago that stalkers are capable of giving IP-specific views. It is hard to BELIEVE, but I am persecuted for not keeping quiet about my brother's murder and my own attempted murder via a directed energy device and host of other crimes. Maybe I will, since we seem to only have unresponsive authorities and Stepford wives to talk to about these abuses. See the two letters I wrote to federal and local authorities on December 8, 2011, at this link - None of them responded. If you cannot smell the coffee burning on your stoves, you need to blow your noses and maybe check your nostrils for implants.
koffietime Mary Neal