John Tate - Campaing for Liberty
The tax-and-spenders in Congress and one-world socialists at the United Nations are licking their chops.
And you and every other American who uses the Internet are the targets of their new tax scheme.
Just hours ago, S. 336, the National Internet Tax Mandate, was introduced as a big, fat Valentine's Day Present to statists at EVERY level of government.
Of course, the tax-and-spenders sponsoring the bill mis-labeled it the "Marketplace Fairness Act."
And after the U.N. drafted a new "Telecommunications Treaty" in December targeting the Internet, there's no question where this fight is headed -- straight to international control, global CENSORSHIP, and a MASSIVE new tax on all Internet operations.
That's why it's critical you sign the petitions I've made up for you DEMANDING your Representative and Senators vote "NO" on the statists' National Internet Tax Mandate scheme.
I'll give you the link shortly, but first let me explain exactly why this is so important...
If passed, the National Internet Tax Mandate would hand the federal government massive new controls over state tax policies, setting the stage for government at ALL levels to take another helping of your money via the Internet.
Currently, because of the Founders' vision for our country, states are "laboratories" - free to set their own tax policies.
High tax, big spending, highly regulatory state governments send businesses and citizens alike fleeing across state lines in search of more liberty.
But under the National Internet Tax Mandate scheme, the statists are setting the stage to bring it all to a crashing halt.
Under the new National Internet Tax Mandate:
*** All Americans would see their taxes go up as big spending governors of BOTH parties work with the federal government's IRS goons to implement a state sales tax on ALL goods purchased online.
Big spending governors are running their states into bankruptcy, and - instead of reducing spending - they want the IRS to force YOU to bail them out with new Internet taxes!
*** Tax collectors in one state would now be free to pursue retailers across state lines.
For example, if a customer in New York makes a purchase from an online retailer in Texas, that retailer MUST collect New York's exorbitant sales taxes and send it to New York's tax collection agencies;
*** New and higher taxes would CRUSH economic growth and set the stage for massive new regulations that threaten the very existence of the Internet.
Make no mistake.
This is all bad enough on its face.
But it's hardly the end of it.
You and I both know, under the guise of "national security," establishment bureaucrats are already feverishly looking for new ways to trace, track, and register all Americans' online activity.
What you read. What you buy. What videos you watch. What you write about THEM.
But as I already mentioned, the United Nations wants in on the action.
If ratified by the United States Senate, the United Nations' "Telecommunications Treaty" - designed to take effect in 2015 - could give control of the Internet to U.N. bureaucrats.
The result?
Patrick, you and I have already seen how communist China keeps its citizens' Internet use under lock and key.
I'm afraid the free and uncontrollable flow of information on the Internet will become a thing of the past.
And ultimately, the U.N. hopes to use this scheme to take a tax bite out of the TRILLIONS of dollars exchanging hands via Internet commerce - money that will make the U.N. a true world government.
That way, any news article, video, story, and any other "unofficial history" that isn't government-approved can simply be wiped from the electronic pages of history.
From Washington, D.C. to the United Nations, the statists' goals are to tax, regulate, and bring the free flow of information on the Internet to a screeching halt - and take another bite out of your income.
If the statists get their way here, next on their list could be nothing less than a new INTERNATIONAL Internet Tax Mandate to go along with massive new controls and outright censorship.
Even if you can only chip in $20 or $10, it will make a tremendous difference.
Just like the Wall Street bailouts and the recent "deal" over tax hikes, this new National Internet Tax Mandate is "bipartisan" to its core.
And the big taxers in BOTH parties are determined to RAM this scheme into law quickly before you and I have a chance to react.
Governors from all over the country who literally CANNOT wait to be FORCED to raise taxes are busy bending the ears of Congress.
They're ready to fund massive new boondoggles and just tell the voters, "Sorry, I had to" when election time rolls around.
Now, some of the loudest voices in Congress are Republicans who think you simply don't care about this critical issue.
But Patrick, I think you do care.
Will you stand by while the political elites impose yet another tax on hardworking Americans?
Do you simply shrug your shoulders at the thought of United Nations global socialists shutting down the free flow of information worldwide?
Or will you help me FIGHT BACK?
And if you can, please make your most generous contribution to C4L TODAY.
Your generosity will help me alert hundreds of thousands of Americans to this critical fight and stop the National Internet Tax Mandate.
C4L will use mail, email, and hard-hitting Internet ads - and even newspaper, radio, and TV ads, if necessary.
It won't be cheap.
But it will be what it takes to win.
Even if all you can do is chip in $10 or $20 to this fight, please do so right away.
There's literally no time to waste.
In Liberty,
John Tate
P.S. Members of BOTH parties in Congress are working feverishly to unleash a new National Internet Tax Mandate.
If passed, this scheme would hand the federal government massive new controls over state tax policies - and pave the way for an international United Nations Internet tax.
Even if all you can do is chip in $10 or $20 to this fight, please do so right away.