CISPA is back - Big brother tries yet again to invade your online privacy
Lance Johnson
(NaturalNews) Recent cyber attacks on media giants such as the New York Times and The Washington Post have escalated concerns for strict internet regulations that would prevent future attacks. This has led the House of Representatives to pass the highly controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) with 288-127 vote. Last year, Congress's CISPA bill fell flat on its face, defeated by online freedom activists across the United States. Opponents to the bill are taking action again, including 300,000 who have already contacted Mike Rogers, Chair of the House Intelligence Committee. Another 100,000 or more signatures opposing CISPA have already been obtained on the White House's own website.
Why people far and wide are opposing this controlling bill
The idea of CISPA, introduced back in November 2011, was to allow companies to share internet traffic data with the government to detect possible cyber attacks. The idea has been rejected by internet freedom advocates and over 40 civil liberty organizations.
This power grab is creating an uproar; many are fed up with being monitored and force-fed information. A controlled internet sphere would enable a select few to delegate what goes in and out of the internet, all in the name of national security. This blind adherence to security would throw away every ounce of liberty that has made the internet a great place to learn new information and spread ideas.
What information could government collect?
Information such as online chats, email content, browsing history, and bank records would all be up for grabs if this bill passes. The government's national security network could become a government spy network that could gain legal access to anyone's private online information.
Under the new CISPA, the government could access a person's information from a corporation and hand it over to the National Security Agency. This could lead to a stealth war against freedom loving Americans. National security spies might begin targeting specific people they deem as threats to the status quo. They could then go after truthful journalists, those who post anti-government sentiment on their social media profiles, or those who back liberty in any online way.
Google, Facebook and Apple are in favor of the new CISPA bill
TechNet, the trade association that represents technology companies like Google, Apple and Facebook, has expressed support for CISPA in a recent letter written to the US House of Representatives.
On the contrary, Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian is hard at work, opposing CISPA. Ohanian recently posted a YouTube video calling for Google and Facebook to understand that CISPA would invalidate their current privacy policies with their respective user bases.
"If someone wants private access to our private home or to our mail, we ask them to go get a warrant, right?" Ohanian asks in his video. "CISPA basically says, 'Not necessary. Your digital privacy is irrelevant.'"
The death of new ideas
If sites like Facebook, Google, or Twitter complied with national or international regulations, the very essence of websites, free speech, and the internet would be destroyed. A controlled cyberspace would destroy new ideas as people become forced to comply with new globalist cyber rules and regulations. The very strength of the internet - the spreading of new ideas, the connection of people far and wide would be at risk, as massive new security protocols would threaten the very livelihood of the internet. This would create a cyberspace police state, capable of becoming a controlling propaganda machine.
Write a letter to your representatives now and tell them what you think about this intrusive new CISPA.
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About the author:
Lance Johnson, along with his wonderful wife Kender, are creating a natural products movement from the ground up: Free Spirit All Natural Products. As more hearts are pulling toward natural solutions in a world of toxins and propaganda, Lance wants to help others see the real health opportunities all around us.
He's also a passionate writer who has self published two works of poetic writing that relate to the people, unmask the hiding, and challenge the status quo. He has more writing ideas within him, as health and freedom has become a major topic of interest within him.
Lance Johnson, along with his wonderful wife Kender, are creating a natural products movement from the ground up: Free Spirit All Natural Products. As more hearts are pulling toward natural solutions in a world of toxins and propaganda, Lance wants to help others see the real health opportunities all around us. He's also a passionate writer who has self published two works of poetic writing that relate to the people, unmask the hiding, and challenge the status quo. He has more writing ideas within him, as health and freedom has become a major topic of interest within him.