18 Blogs with Techniques for Preventing Identity Theft
Identity theft has become an increasing problem as our world shifts to being more online and mobile. Many people feel like there is no way to keep their information safe should someone want to steal it. Is this the case, or are there things that you can do to make your information harder to steal? These 18 blog entries touch on what you can do to protect your identity online, at work and when you are out and about living your life. The press is doing an admirable job of bringing scams to light so that the public can be better informed and thus better able to protect sensitive information. To learn what you need to know to keep your personal information safe, keep reading.
With more and more people shopping and banking online, keeping your information safe from thieves becomes both more important and more difficult. Avoid common or easy to guess passwords, as many times you are making the thief’s job easier. For more online safety tips, take a look at these six blog posts.
- How to Prevent Identity Theft and Stay Safe Online (Infographic) Learn how to protect yourself online and what makes a password a good one.
- How You, and Google, Can Help Prevent Identity Theft Tips from Google on how to secure your personal information to prevent identity theft.
- Tips to be Safe Online and Prevent Identity Theft in 2013 Advice about online passwords and shopping online are shared by an expert in web design.
- How to Protect Your Online Security This blog post suggests that you avoid mobile banking and to be careful where you shop when you shop online.
- Tips to Prevent Identity Theft Steps to protect your information from dumpster divers is covered in this entry.
- Protecting Your New Smartphone Learn how to encrypt your data on your phone, as well as many other steps to protect yourself.
At Work
While your employer likely has their own security measures in place, you still need to make sure that you are keeping your personal information safe from hackers or other co-workers. When you go to a meeting make sure that your desk and computer are locked. Don’t get your personal e-mail on your work computer, as that information can stay in that computer, even if you delete it. To learn more important safeguards, read these six blog articles.
- Tips to Avoid Identity Theft at Work The use of shredders and protected software are discussed in this blog post.
- Workplace Information Protection An extensive article about security measures that can and must be taken at the workplace.
- Identity Theft in the Workplace Sensitive information about employees is kept at the workplace, and many times thieves will have inside help at accessing that information.
- Preventing Identity Theft in the Workplace This post is full of tips regarding avoiding personal e-mail on your work computer, as well as many other ideas for keeping your information safe.
- Identity Theft in the Workplace: Protect Sensitive Customer Information Methods of collecting sensitive data are discussed in this post.
- Protect Yourself from Workplace Identity Theft Learn how to keep your information safe while you are at work by creating unique passwords and locking your computer when you are away from your desk.
Out and About
If you pay for your gas and other snacks with a credit card that you can tap and go, you may want to stop using it. While it’s a convenient way to pay for things, it’s also an easy way for a thief to pick up the credit card number at the same time. When you are out for dinner and you pay the bill by sending your credit card with the waiter, you may want to keep an eye on him. Specialized equipment designed to steal credit card numbers in a hurry have been found in various restaurants. Check out these six blog articles and learn more about identity theft scams going on today and how to avoid becoming a victim.
- Prevent Identity Theft When Using a Public Computer Tips about deleting your browser history and clearing any sensitive information when you are done are covered in this blog entry.
- Shredding will Help Prevent Identity Theft Be careful not to throw away any piece of mail or paperwork that may have sensitive information on it without shredding it.
- How
- to Avoid Identity Theft Keep your wallet safe and remember to avoid carrying your social security card in your wallet.
- How to Help Prevent Identity Theft—10 Easy Ways To keep your credit card safe at a restaurant make sure that you keep it visible at all times so that your credit card number is not stolen.
- Tips to Avoid Id Theft When Traveling Abroad Alert your credit card company that you will be traveling and make sure that you keep your electronics secured at all times.
- Identity Theft Scams and How to Avoid Them Many common scams and different techniques to stay safe are discussed on this blog post.
- http://www.nannywebsites.com/blog/18-blogs-with-techniques-for-preventing-identity-theft/