Smartworld - Identity Ecosystem
I am not a dog
Tsze-lu said, “The ruler of Wei has been waiting for you, in order with you to administer the government. What will you consider the first thing to be done?” The Master replied, “What is necessary is to rectify names.”
(Confucius, Analects XIII, 3, tr. Legge)
Cybersecurity has become the dominant concern for geeks and elites around the world, as governments and corporations attempt to exert control over the internet to protect their interests. News is hot with updates on the TPP and the like, but there is little coverage of the push to control identity.
For many years, the anonymity afforded by the internet has prompted discussions about the problem of not knowing who exactly you’re interacting with online, i.e. how can you tell it’s a real person, and not a dog? More to the point, how do you know who to trust.
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