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Obama Hands Control of Internet to the UN

Lee Bellinger

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Oct. 26, 2014

The United States has long played a key role in the administration of the Internet. It has had authority over organization that assigns web addresses and domain names. A system that determines how the Internet is organized.

But Obama has different ideas about how the Internet should be run. Under Obama, authority over the Internet is being handed off to "global stakeholders".

Obama and his ilk have kept this move very quiet. And for good reason.

Under U.S. authority, businesses and organizations have been able to count on respect for their freedom of speech and expression being upheld. In other words, they wouldn't be denied a domain name or Web address based on beliefs. And they wouldn't find their website suddenly blocked or shut down because they expressed controversial opinions

Under international authority, governments like those of Russia and China will make a power grab. They'll push for more control. They want governing bodies to say about what is and isn't allowed online ... not just in their countries, but anywhere. ... (Continued here)

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Yours in Prudent Preparation,

Lee Bellinger

Lee Bellinger, Publisher

Independent Living

P.S. A government-controlled Internet could bring the sluggish world economy to a standstill. The result would be complete, economic chaos. What would you do in such a breakdown? If you don’t already know the answer to that question, then you need my Ultimate Self Reliance Mega-Manual. Secure your copy today..