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ITCCS Kevin Annett face book site is now subverted and compromised
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Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 23:39:13 -0500
Subject: Urgent: ITCCS Kevin Annett face book site is now subverted and compromised - Please disregard and ignore it
Urgent Message from ITCCS Central Directorate
25 December, 2014 (GMT)
ITCCS Kevin Annett face book site is now subverted and compromised - Please disregard and ignore it
The Directorate has learned that William Annett, Kevin Annett and their core supporters have all now been blocked from posting at the ITCCS - Kevin Annett facebook site, even though William was a site administrator. We must assume that facebook is collaborating with the forces seeking to undermine and discredit our work, in the wake of the concerted attack led by Alfred Webre.
We therefore ask all members of this "ITCCS Kevin Annett" site to disregard its messages and abandon the site altogether, since it will be under the control of hostile elements. A new and secure site will replace it, and will soon be announced at .
The veracity of this message can be confirmed by writing to or leaving a message at 386-323-5774 in the USA, and your queries will be answered.
Issued by ITCCS Central Directorate
25 December, 2014 GMT