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Take that, Comcast!

Maria Tchijov - MoveOne

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Huge news: FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler just announced support for reclassifying the Internet as a public utility.1

If you had predicted the FCC would do this a year ago, you'd have been laughed out of the room in Washington, D.C. Now it's really happening.

But the truth is, this fight is just beginning. Reclassification just means the FCC will have the authority to protect Net Neutrality. It doesn't mean they'll do it.

And if we lose, it means that cable companies like Comcast will be able to give priority Internet service to big corporations and dump the rest of us onto an Internet slow lane. We can't let that happen.

The final decision will be made between now and February 26, when the FCC's final vote on Net Neutrality is scheduled. Will you chip in $3 to help keep up the pressure?

Americans from all walks of life and from all over the country—everyday Internet users, mom and pop business owners, artists and major tech industry leaders—have repeatedly stood in support of treating the Internet as a public utility and preserving its equal use for future generations.

Over the last year, MoveOn members and allies have held demonstrations across the country, urging President Obama to stand up to the big cable giants like Comcast and stand with the open Internet voters who helped elect him to office twice.

MoveOn members and allies have phoned the White House, urging the Obama administration to advocate for Net Neutrality—and President Obama took a major step to defend the open Internet in November when he called for Title II reclassification, which would treat the Internet as a public utility.

We've never been so close to victory. Now it's time to run it in for the winning touchdown. Will you donate $3 to help fight for Net Neutrality?

Yes, I'll chip in to help fight for Net Neutrality.

Yes, I'll chip in.

Thanks for all you do.

–Maria, Ben W., Josh, Jadzia, and the rest of the team


1. "In Net Neutrality Plan, F.C.C. Chief Sees Internet Service Regulated as Public Utility," The New York Times, February 4, 2015

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