Your Net Neutrality message on a jumbotron outside of the FCC
Take action:
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will vote on Thursday on Net Neutrality rules, and we need to continue urging them to pass strong rules without loopholes for Big Telecom. Our friends at OpenMedia are going to park a jumbotron across the street from the FCC on Wednesday to stream images, messages, and videos submitted by tens of thousands of Internet users. Submit your message today.
This is really important: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will vote on Net Neutrality rules on Thursday.
Everything we know suggests that the FCC is about to pass historically strong Net Neutrality rules that will give open Internet advocates like you and I a lot to celebrate. But the FCC is under immense pressure from telecom lobbyists and Republicans in Congress to write dangerous loopholes into the rules.
On Wednesday, our friends at OpenMedia are pulling together a fun and powerful last-minute demonstration of how much support the FCC can expect from Internet users across the country and around the world if it stands up to Big Telecom. They're going to park a jumbotron across the street from the FCC on Wednesday to stream images, messages, and videos submitted by tens of thousands of Internet users. Submit your message today.
When the FCC commissioners look out their windows, they'll see messages from Internet users around the world looking back at them. And, we hope, they'll be reminded that millions of activists on Team Internet are watching and urging the FCC to do the right thing.
There's no guarantee that the FCC won't cave under pressure and insert dangerous loopholes before the final vote. That’s why it's time for grassroots activists to go all out. We need to let the commissioners know that, if they vote to pass strong Net Neutrality rules, we will fight tooth and nail to defend the rules – and that if the FCC caves to industry pressure, we'll hold the commissioners accountable.
Thank you for taking action.
Zack Malitz, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets