Possible Stuxnet explosion at Chinese chemical factory
Jim Stone
I do not usually cover events such as this one, but this incident is so huge it should at least be mentioned. A very large paraxylene manufacturing facility which was built in 2009 exploded in China. Paraxylene is used to make polyester for fabrics. Though this is easily at the scale of Bhopal, casualties will be limited to people at the factory because paraxylene is not extremely chemically dangerous (other than an obvious explosion and fire hazard).
This is EXACTLY the type of event the Stuxnet virus is designed to trigger, and obviously I am suspicious this could be a punishment to China for attempting to establish a new world reserve currency to compete with the dollar.
For scale here, the flames are at a minimum of 700 feet high. This was a big one. No word on casualties yet, but the outcome of that is pretty obvious here.