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Very Interesting 'FAKE' News
More un-fake news, or as most AMERICANS are realizing, REAL NEWS from the fairly new, fast growing, independent, ALTERNATIVE NEWS that has a MUCH higher credibility rating than the old, dying, lying, propaganda, agenda driven lame stream media.
When one understands the teachings and methods of Lenin and other communists when it comes to propagandizing the "masses", you will identify the Will Dolittles, Anderson Coopers, who IS CIA, CNN, and most main stream media as nothing but paid propagandist who are promoting a humanist, secular, socialist, globalist, anti-American, anti-Constitutional, anti -Christian agenda.
David Rockefeller thanked the main stream media for NOT reporting his and others like him, plans for a New World Order. It was a conspiracy theory if alternative media did report it. This same main stream media now has the gall to say they are the real news and anything else is fake. OMG are they delusional, no, paid propagandist that know exactly what they are doing!! Decieving, deceiving, deceiving!!!!!
PS You recieved this Email because you asked for it or someone thought you should
Get it.
Get it.
REMEMBER.... EVERY TUES & WED on Time Warner Cable, public access channel 18 at 8PM Real News and Wake-up Call.
EVERY THURS. at 8PM Pastor Chuck Baldwin, a non-government pastor of a non-government 501C3 "church" will be airing!!!!!
On Thursday, January 19, 2017 5:28 PM, Echo Charlie <> wrote: