Fake News CNN Pushes False Story About AR-15 Purchase
Mac Slavo
It’s becoming clear that most mainstream media news is nothing more than globalist propaganda. CNN’s Chris Cuomo proved that when he pushed a story about a lying kid who said he purchased an AR-15 without an ID. But Cuomo was busted, then continued to deflect from the fact that he pushed a fake story.
CNN’s Chris Cuomo retweeted the account of one @usaphotodude quoting a reporter named Cody Davis on Tuesday. The tweet read, “I was able to buy an AR-15 in five minutes. I’m 20 and my ID is expired.” There’s only one problem: that never happened. The article itself states, “After [the sales representative] walked me through the paperwork, all five pages of it, I told him I changed my mind and wanted to think more before I bought an AR-15. He told me it wasn’t a problem and listed the store hours if I wanted to come back. I then said thank you and walked back to my car.”
The tweet actually says that the gut never filled out paperwork, a necessary step to purchasing a gun, which would then be run through the background check system. But Cuomo obviously didn’t read that part or didn’t care. And then deflected the conversation and lied further.
According to the Daily Wire, when called on it, Cuomo tweeted, “Isn’t the point that the kid’s age and lack of ID wasn’t a deterrent? and this isn’t all gun shops. Place I bought my shotgun basically goes farther than the law requires and makes judgments about whom to sell to. Point is the system should be better.”
Which, of course, is not the point. The point is that Cuomo tweeted out false information. National Review’s Charles Cooke pointed that out:
The point is, CNN is full of antigun wackos who don’t care about individual rights. As long as the government is all powerful and remains their savior, they will push propaganda and even bold-faced lies as a means of manipulating public opinion regardless of facts.