CNN wages nonstop war against Donald Trump.

The liberal network will push stories that hurt the President and ignore any of his achievements.

However, CNN is in big trouble after they were caught pushing a lie that may ruin the network for good.

CNN’s Donald Trump Bombshell Collapses

Last month, three CNN reporters broke the story that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen claimed Donald Trump had previous knowledge about a June 2016 meeting with a group of Russians.

CNN promoted the story as evidence that Donald Trump, Jr. lied to Congress.

Robert Mueller could then prosecute the President’s son.

Experts believed Trump would fire Mueller and set off a crisis.

There was just one problem.

It was fake news.

A Key Player Walks Back The Story

Michael Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, told the Washington Post he made a mistake in confirming the story.

“I should have been more clear — including with you — that I could not independently confirm what happened,” Davis stated. “I regret my error.”

Donald Trump tweeted the news and blasted CNN for running a fake story.

Trump wrote:

Michaels Cohen’s attorney clarified the record, saying his client does not know if President Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting (out of which came nothing!). The answer is that I did NOT know about the meeting. Just another phony story by the Fake News Media!

CNN Digs In

But CNN dug in their heels.

The far-left network defended its story.

Media reporter Oliver Darcy wrote, “Pro-Trump websites are claiming that the CNN story was a “lie,” and that it’s been “debunked.” They might want it to be “debunked,” but it’s not. The critics don’t know who CNN’s sources were.”

CNN’s chief media reporter Brian Stelter tweeted out a network statement also standing by the story:

Re: CNN’s July 27 story about Cohen claiming that Trump knew in advance about the Trump Tower meeting: “We stand by our story, and are confident in our reporting of it.”

The Final Nail In CNN’s Coffin

CNN stands by their lie.

Other officials debunked the story.

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairmen and ranking members Richard Burr and Mark Warner shot down the story.

Burr and Warner spoke to Cohen’s lawyers after CNN published their report.

They wanted to know if Cohen stood by what he told the committee.

Michael Cohen told their committee under oath that he had had not heard about the meeting until after it became public.

The New York Times broke the story about the meeting nearly one year after it happened.

Cohen also told the Senators he did not know if Trump knew about the meeting beforehand.

The Cohen story is the latest CNN Russia “bombshell” to collapse as fake news.

Last year, the anti-Trump network ran a story claiming Donald Trump, Jr. received advanced notice of WikiLeaks releasing emails hacked from the Democrat National Committee.

CNN lied.

Trump, Jr. received the direct messages on twitter—after the emails were made public.

The messages were also from an ordinary American and not a Russian operative.

In addition, CNN was forced to fire three reporters when they published a fake news story about Anthony Scaramucci meeting with Russians.

CNN lost all of its public trust because the errors they make all run in one direction.

Every story that turns out to be fake news is an anti-Trump story.

CNN also never makes an error that benefits the President.

Anti-Trump reporters at CNN work from the starting point that they hate Trump and want to destroy him.

Therefore, their bias leads them to run stories that confirm their hatred for the President instead of being truthful.