Associated Press Caught In Trump Lie
According to The Daily Wire:
Another attempt to damage President Trump was undertaken by the biased media. Fortunately, there are people who will call them out on it. But it doesn't seem to be changing their approach."Trump says media is ‘Enemy’ after shooting, bomb plot," the Associated Press reported around 9 a.m. Monday morning. The article said...
But something jumped out right away. Why the partial quote? Why did the AP edit Trump's posts on Twitter? And why didn't the news service include the tweet itself?
The answers were quite simple: Because what Trump said and what the AP wanted to say Trump said were two completely different things.
So Trump never "accused the media of being 'the true Enemy of the People." Instead, he said, "The Fake News Media" is "the true Enemy of the People." There's a big, big difference. But for some reason, the AP decided to omit that and instead claim that Trump said all media are the enemy.