Thomas Jefferson said:
Thomas Jefferson said:
"Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day. I really look with commiseration over the great body of my fellow citizens, who, reading newspapers, live and die in the belief that they have known something of what has been passing in the world."
And to think that Jefferson said this over 200 years ago about the normal state of the press back then! If Jefferson were to suddenly come alive today, and see the scope of what It morphed into from his time, he'd not only see just how right he was back then, but how easily tricked, gullible, naive and thoroughly brain-dead the American People had become since then; eclipsed only by Their general enthusiasm to seemingly remain so.
From rod@disroot.com