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Trump in TOTAL WAR With Media, Democrats


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Donald Trump has been president for just weeks and the liberal media have made clear their plan: destroy President Trump!

All of this was predicted in the new NY Times bestselling book that Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Lou Dobbs are urging every conservative to get.

It’s David Horowitz’s “Big Agenda: President Trump’s Plan to Save America.”

This book has already shot to the top of the bestseller lists because of its stunning predictions – many of which have already come true.

Horowitz not only predicted all of Trump’s key Executive Orders including the Muslim ban, but many shocking ones soon to come!

But here’s the really amazing thing: Horowitz began writing “Big Agenda” before Trump was even elected.

He not only knew Trump would win, but as a mentor and close friend to many of Trump’s key advisers, he knew he had to write a “game book” for the Trump team and supporters like you.

In “Big Agenda” Horowitz revealed not only Trump’s secret plans – but also how the big media and the Soros-backed Democrats would respond. It’s all there.

Horowitz warned that the “Democrats and big media would target every close adviser to Trump with outrageous attacks, calling them racists, Nazis and even agents of Russia.”

Sound true to you? Well, you just saw what happened to Mike Flynn.

Horowitz says Trump is being “sabotaged by Obama administration holdovers.”

Here is their plan: kill off Trump’s inner circle one by one and then go for the chief with an impeachment attempt.

Shockingly, major liberal press outlets have been openly talking of a Trump “impeachment” in just the opening weeks of his presidency!

Folks, you must find out what’s really happening — it’s all in “Big Agenda.”

The media hates “Big Agenda.”

In fact, the big networks like CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS have put a total ban on this book even being discussed. They won’t put David Horowitz on air!

But you can bypass them and get “Big Agenda” at Amazon or any bookstore or Amazon.

And Newsmax has a FREE Offer for this book that saves you over $30.

Check Out the FREE Offer Here Now.

Have no doubt, the media are out to destroy Donald Trump.

Disgusting, isn’t it? David Horowitz predicted this and worse!

Big Agenda” details Trump’s secret plan to take back America – but also shows how you can help President Trump.

He needs your help. Act today!

See More on “Big Agenda” – Go Here Now.

Yours for America,
