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Kavanaugh Frenzy Exposes Media Bias


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The Kavanaugh media circus has been intense. But it has done a good job of exposing the bias of the media. Guilty until proven innocent is ok, as long as it fits the narrative.

According to The Hill:

If Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation fight is any indication, the left-leaning mainstream media is as biased as ever. When #Resistance is the be-all and end-all, “guilty until proven innocent” is fair game — as long as it will undermine the Trump agenda.

The headlines — dozens of which smear Kavanaugh’s name on a daily basis — speak for themselves. Consider the recent New York Times header: “Kavanaugh’s Yearbook Page Is ‘Horrible, Hurtful’ to a Woman It Named.” Another Times “story” transitioned from fact-based journalism to outright opinionating: “Even as Judge Kavanaugh emphatically denied the accusations against him, his appearance [on Fox News] had more than a whiff of a reality-show confessional, starkly at odds with the prestige of the job he is seeking.”

That, from a “news report.” Can you imagine such blatantly biased coverage of an Obama nominee?

Vox’s Zack Beauchamp, supposedly a “senior reporter” himself, went even further: “Confirming Kavanaugh could lead to a collapse in faith for the Court — with dire consequences for American democracy.” Time, meanwhile, played the race card, “If Republicans back down and pull Kavanaugh’s nomination or don’t vote to confirm him, something most of them are loathe to do, they risk alienating the core of their base: White men.”

The article goes on to discuss the media's silence when a liberal is accused. This double standard is disheartening and concerning at the same time.