Mike Cernovich: It’s time to declare Big Tech to be terrorist organizations and seize their servers to shut them down
Lance D Johnson
Over the past four years, the Big Tech cabal (Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon, Apple, YouTube, etc.) have weaponized their platforms, turning them into factories of political and ideological censorship, to not only censor their opposition, but also to cover up the crimes of their left-wing associates in government and big business.
Big Tech has declared war on the truth, attacking conservatives, independents, the Republican Party and President Donald Trump — silencing anyone who dares question Left-wing narratives and authoritarian belief systems. The censorship, ignored by the mainstream media for years, is hitting a new climax now that Big Tech has censored a bombshell news report by the New York Post. The investigative report alleges massive criminal and government corruption within the Biden family.
Cernovich calls on Trump to seize Big Tech servers, designate them as a domestic terror organization
The lock downs of 2020 actually began in 2016, when Big Tech started shutting out “non-essential” voices on the internet and censoring their pages, videos and monetization strategies. Big Tech has destroyed lives with their lock downs and have been caught, over and over again, aiding and abetting criminal operations. Because of this, they are nothing more than domestic terror organizations. Brilliant filmmaker, attorney and citizen journalist, Michael Cernovich, went on War Room: Pandemic to instruct how best to fight Big Tech and beat them at their own game.
Big Tech algorithms, blacklists, news feeds and search engines are more than just thought control mechanisms; these platforms are part of a criminal operation, to conceal the crimes of their Left-wing associates. The only way to take them on is to call them out in the strongest way possible, exposing their criminal hypocrisies and double standards, and using their censorship tactics against them, while disrupting their operations. Big Tech promotes the most anti-American agendas, and can be defeated if they are declared the terrorist organization that they rightfully are. Seizing their servers and unraveling their corrupt network of censors should take top priority if the republic of the United States is to survive.
Cernovich said that section 230 reform won’t do justice for all those who have been harmed by Big Tech censorship over the past four years. He said Republican’s last-ditch effort to reform Section 230 is nothing more than “saber rattling.” He said that using “dirty tricks” is the only way to legally take on these monopolies.
“President Trump should declare any social media company a terrorist regime if it allows the Iranian regime to have an account. He should use the official power of the presidency, issue sanctions, and just start smoking social media companies,” Cernovich warned. He said subpoenas of Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg won’t bring justice, and the US Attorney General and the GOP Senators are just too weak on their own to do what it takes to reign in Big Tech power.
Cernovich said, “You have to smoke fools. You have to really play to win. Subpoenaing Jack Dorsey won’t do anything. No one is afraid of GOP Senators, Bill Barr… You have to go nuclear, get the most vicious person you can in the room, and say, ‘what’s the most brutal thing we can do legally to these tech companies?’”
Repealing Section 230 is not enough to stop Big Tech abuses
Silicon Valley oligarchs have Congress in their back pocket and have used American government to their advantage, setting up their own phony legal protections under the Communications Decency Act. A clause called Section 230 has been established to allow Big Tech to censor whomever they want and for whatever reason. There is no system of checks and balances in place to prevent these tech companies from abusing their power. There are no clear-cut rules on what they can ban on their platforms. There is no audit of their manipulative algorithms and “fact checking” operations to ensure that they are not discriminating against people based on the color of their ideas and political beliefs. There is no audit to ensure that these companies aren’t censoring in an anti-competitive way, to boost their bottom line and suppress smaller tech companies.
Because Big Tech is the modern-day public square, it should be a transparent place, where open discussion and equal treatment is permitted for people of all political affiliations. All matters of investigative journalism and dissent should be allowed, no matter how controversial and revealing the content becomes for the Democratic Party and the vaccine industry. Everyone has a right to investigate, question, publish and share their insights and ideas without fear of discrimination, retaliation, social ostracizing or suppression of their livelihood.
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