Mankind's Sheep Mentality
The Effect of Television
Television is a wonderful invention of the twentieth century, and it can be said with authority that there is a television set in almost every household in the world today. If a household lacks a set, members of that household have public access to television, either in a bar, coffee or tea shop, in restaurants, and other public places. This means that broadcasting signals are transmitted into almost every home in every corner of the world and indeed touch almost every human being walking on this earth.
In some countries, a household may own multiple sets of televisions, so that television programming reaches every room in the house. In the so-called third world or less developed countries, some of the humblest dwellings sport television antennas. Why such a widespread use of this invention? Because, in addition to amusement and entertainment, the television is a convenient tool for the propagation of the political regime's litany.
Yet far beyond these reasons, these television sets are also capable of carrying signals that are electronically calibrated to cause forms of retardation, autism, stupidity, mesmerism, and a general sense of malaise among the many viewers who watch them. Many of us, entranced by a certain "juicy" series on a certain day, will give up other activities to be there in front of the set at a specific time. Or some of us are so mesmerized by certain programs that we must make an effort to pull ourselves away from the television set. Some give in to its mesmerism and spend countless hours before the screen.
These deleterious signals that television emits on its viewers are much like the effects of subliminal advertising-a split second flash to suggest a product--that has been banned from television, only their effects are far more subtle and damaging to the human brain. The best for any intelligent individual to do is to turn the television off and keep its use to a minimum.
Propagation of Moral Degradation
In addition to the harmful emission of signals in one's own home, television programs are designed to cater to people's natural tendency toward their emotional selves. You'll scarcely find one popular program wherein people are not losing emotional control of themselves. Watch for it. It occurs all the time. Somebody is screaming at another or losing his or her temper. Others are cheating on one another. Some are in clear violation of cosmic law. Such programming dominates the airwaves over and over and over again. Unfortunately, these emotional themes are the very ones people seem to find the most interesting. Rarely, if ever, will you find a character pitted against some wonderful set of obstacles and who spiritually overcomes them all. Why do we not see that type of victories on television? Instead, we find people involved in the most intricate forms of intrigue in their relationships, almost invariably in violation of cosmic law, again and again and again.
Through this genre of television programming, which invades the sacrosanct privacy of one's own home, the Dark Forces are trying to pound into you every second of the day, "This is who you are. This is what you are. Accept it. This is your lot. You're a bunch of squabbling animals and nothing more. FOR WHAT YOU LOOK AT IS WHAT YOU BECOME." In other words, what man meditates upon he eventually becomes.
So through this marvelous invention, there is a stranglehold on mankind's mind. Fortunately, it is destined to end due to cosmic cycles. There will be a brand new awakening at the grassroots level of which you, the reader, are a part, which will ultimately wake people up to the point where they will start to question all of these things and more. And just like the French peasants who stormed the Bastille during the French Revolution, they'll say, "Enough! Enough! Off with their heads (instead of ours, which is how they have so far set it up.)