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Charley Miller

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To all Subjects, Slaves and Human Capital of the State:

The slave operations of the federal and state government’s actors have now come to the attention of many in this country as seen in 30 state governments now voting to mandate vaccines for all children to attend school. There is also a federal bill, now in motion, that will force all children, nationwide, to receive forced vaccinations if the states do not mandate it first. (The Nuremburg Code: "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.") 

The vaccine issue epitomizes the agenda of government for total control and management of their human capital as slaves by stripping the most basic of our God given rights from our possession and protection, Ownership of our bodies, and of our children's. If you do not own your body...WHO DOES?

Every mother has a greater vested interest in their decision of how to raise, feed and protect their children than any state or government body. Therefore, we believe, the Vax issue is the fulcrum for exposing governments for what they have become in this country, slave masters. 

We are asking people to stand up and file in all states the following declarations, (see attached) calling out public servants to uphold the law of our land and nation i.e., The Constitution of the United States, and Bill of Rights, where no entity, either government, corporate or man may trespass upon.

The principles, facts, laws, procedures identified herein apply to abortion laws, gun laws, drug laws, traffic tickets, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, FALSE IMPRISONMENT FOR POLITICAL PURPOSE and every other regulatory act or omission in operation by government actors.

Civics or American Government, used to be a class taught in high school to learn how our government is set up, about our founding documents and why our amendments are so important in maintaining our God given rights and freedoms. Those classes are long gone now and has been replaced by the Sheeple mentality and doctrine, "Do as you are told, slave subject, and don't ask questions, you'll get along just fine, as we the government tell you what to do, how to do it and when." 

Therefore, a series of classes, presented by Charles (Charley) Miller, freedom advocate extraordinaire, has been set up, to not only teach and free people from the oppression of our, out of control government actors, but also to fund this most important work to date, since 1776. We need to declare our freedom AGAIN and stand firmly on solid slave free grounds, not only for ourselves but for future generations. 

I do not like repeating clichés, but it has never been so urgent. It is really is time to, "Drain the Swamp", "Make America Great Again", "Take back your Freedom", "Be the Change you want to See" and to, "Stand Up or Bend Over". We need your help and resolve, to make sure we the people prevail in what may be our last chance in this war against tyranny. Once "They" control your body and can poke holes in it without your consent, what is left? Your most valued basic right to protect your own body and that of your children will be no more. You will have no protection or say so from "them", doing anything "they" want to you or your children, whenever "they" want to. 

Do, read to the end. Make a Stand. 
It may be the most important thing you do in this life and in the lives of your fellow humans.
Please share far and wide. 
Be on the Conference call, 605-313-4477 Pin: 862487,Wednesday, February 27, 2019. 7pm (PST)
Ask questions, What can I do? How can I help? Who in your state are organizing? Where do I file? etc...
Peace and Freedom
Dr Guy Wilson



Liberty 4U



Health freedom Idaho Advocate
Andra Wilson
Letter: Served into Washington public records on Wednesday, 2-19-2019.
Reformatted for Idaho  (see also attached file)



An open letter for use by any Mother.
Remember the most dangerous thing on the planet is a mother with young.

Name :       __________________________________________________________________


Address :   __________________________________________________________________


                  City _____________________________  State  __________  Zip  _____________


Ph :            ___________________________________


Email :       ___________________________________


Date:          ___________________________________


To:             ________________________________________________, (public servant name)


Address :   __________________________________________________________________


                  City _____________________________  State  __________  Zip  _____________


Ph :            ___________________________________


Email :       ___________________________________



In The People’s Political Jurisdiction
Exercise of Legal Right and Enforcement of Contract


 GREETINGS, Before the World, to whom it may concern;


 All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.


 Idaho Constitution: Article 1 Section 2;
“All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal protection and benefit, and they have the right to alter, reform or abolish the same whenever they may deem it necessary; and no special privileges or immunities shall ever be granted that may not be altered, revoked, or repealed by the legislature.”
I, ________________________________DO NOT CONSENT to being denied the law protecting my individual right to choose what is done to my body and my children’s bodies. The State of Idaho does not have an ownership position in my body, mind or soul, nor an ownership position in my children’s bodies, minds and souls. The United States does not have an ownership position in my body, mind or soul, nor an ownership position in my children’s bodies, minds and souls. The State of Idaho is practicing RAPE and SLAVERY upon me and my children by attempting to force foreign substances in to our bodies under legislative fiat not authorized by law of the Constitution. See F.N. 1


 The State of Idaho as a whole operating system is intentionally committing Constitutional TORT for which there is no defense possible.


 I, ____________________________________________ , am speaking for the people of Idaho by issuing this demand, Writ of Prohibition, to all public servants to honor your contract to recognize and act under the law of the people, our Constitution. We the people of the State Idaho now speak to our servants concerning public officer’s activities damaging, harming and injuring the good People, particularly our children.


 YOU WILL; Cease and Desist all activities intending or leading to the exercise of RAPE and or SLAVERY over me or my children by denying me the RIGHT TO CHOOSE what substances are placed in my children’s bodies, or mine.


 Public servants have caused pain and suffering to thousands of children by knowingly ignoring the massive amount of evidence proving beyond all doubt that vaccination creates health crisis, many times to the point of death. This is the TORT of NEGLIGENCE, possibly rising to felonies, all in breach of contract to serve the Constitution protecting the people.


 YES, every government officer and employee acting under the name of the State of Idaho are servants to the sole exclusive BENEFICIARIES of all government authorities and powers, the good People.


 So states Idaho constitution, that every public officer and employee, servants all, is required to pledge personal fidelity too as the first contract condition for employment. See F.N. 2


 The Legislative section of Idaho’s constitution does not identify the people as subject to legislative acts.
The Legislative section of the Constitution for the United States of America, controlling the United States government, does not identify the good People of any state as either subjects nor objects to be regulated by statute or other Legislative fiat.


 Forcing vaccination on children is not a just power recognized by the fundamental and first law of Idaho, the good People’s Constitution. No just power or exercise of authority could ever be based on trespass into any one of the good People’s bodies.


 Until the legal representative of the State of Idaho, Attorney General, Lawrence G. Wasden, acting on behalf of all public servants, identifies and discloses to We the people, the source of authority granted to Idaho government, to regulate the people by control of what we do with our bodies, the NEGLIGENCE TORT rises to MALVERSATION. See F.N. 3


 Further, the CONSTITUTIONAL TORT is proved conclusively, beyond all doubt, by simple reference to existing public record such as the Constitution and Legislative records.


 The NEGLIGENCE TORT and MALVERSATION will be proved beyond all doubt, attaching to all public officers or employees individually, when no source of authority identified by Idaho Constitution is brought, forth allowing Idaho government to TRESPASS, into children’s bodies and distribute known poisonous chemicals.


This Writ of Prohibition is fair notice to the principal, the State of Idaho, and all agents thereto claiming to be public servants.
This Writ of Prohibition is deemed evidence in context of the federal rules of evidence.
This Writ of Prohibition is not corruptible by government servants, because the state Constitution grant of power to issue Writs of Prohibition by courts, does not remove the power of the good People to exercise individual authorities of State Citizens in exercising our right to ordain the authorities and powers of governments, We created by our Constitution. The People are the original judicial power as identified by our Constitution, no matter what any servant of the Judicial, Legislative or Executive branch says or does.


 This issue is real simple, show we Mothers of the children you servants are trespassing on and in your proof of authority or face the judgement by full faith and credit public records. The same records servants created which expose servants refusal to honor the Constitution. The judgement of TORT in the context of Trespass, Rape, Slavery, Negligence, Malversation, Breach of Public Contract is more than likely coming soon from the highest Court in the land, The Court of Public Opinion.


 The jury in the good People’s Court of Public Opinion over this vaccination issue is Mothers with damaged children and those scheduled by servants to be damaged in the future.


 Govern your selves accordingly.

Signature:  _____________________________________

 Done this day _____ of________________, 2019

F.N. 1. US v KOZMINSKI; “ Held: For purposes of criminal prosecution under § 241 or § 1584, the term "involuntary servitude" necessarily means a condition of servitude in which the victim is forced to work for the defendant by the use or threat of physical restraint or physical injury or by the use or threat of coercion through law or the legal process. This definition encompasses cases in which the defendant holds the victim in servitude by placing him or her in fear of such physical restraint or injury or legal coercion. Pp. 487 U. S. 939-953. “ Emphasis added.

F.N. 2.  SECTION 16. BILLS OF ATTAINDER, ETC., PROHIBITED. No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts shall ever be passed.

F.N. 3. Malversation; Corrupt behavior in a position of trust, especially in public office.
Oxford English Dictionary


FOURWINDS10, just opened the door to attachment of personal assets of any systemite when the letter is personally served.

The reason this is true, is very, very simple.

When the systemites personally fail or refuse to produce the authorities or powers assigned to government by the good People’s Constitutions, their actions are individual. What this means in simple common sense application is, each individual government actor operated OUTSIDE THE LAW!!!

NO ONE, SYSTEMITE OR CITIZEN, COULD EVER CLAIM ACTS KNOWN TO BE TAKEN OUT SIDE THE LAW HAVE A DEFENSE. To do so is to admit and confess, by self-directed action or statement, that intent to harm, injure, damage another while attempting to execute an OWNERSHIP position over another American’s body, mind or soul. That exercise in forced vaccination or health care fiat mandates is an exercise in SLAVERY.

No protection of the law being provided as required by the good People’s Constitutions, then becomes a high crime, a Constitutional TORT, a felony.

Any systemite, particularly a judge or attorney, attempting to cover up behavior resulting SLAVERY, proves the conspiracy to circumvent the law of the good People, set out in our Constitutions, to which every judge or attorney swore personal fidelity, in order to assume public office.

Filing the standard TORT CLAIM form, either state or federal, is then in the system. The systems procedures take over and begin to grind very slowly, yet very fine.

CAUSE OF TORT: I,  _____________________________, have been and will continue to be denied access to and protection of the law requiring that the original source of authority to regulate and limit me in the manner I care for my body, my mind, my soul, and the body, mind and soul of my children. This denial of protection of the law results in me and my children being treated as SLAVES, subjects or objects of governmental actions, which We, the good People, as creators of government never authorized in our Constitutions.

EVIDENCE (proof) OF TORT: The legislative powers identified in our Constitutions do not grant authority or power for any government structure to regulate any one of the People WITH OUT CONSENT. Consent cannot be manufactured by legislative, judicial or executive fiat when the basic authority or power of one American to regulate another is not in evidence anywhere. Thus if we as individual Americans do not hold authority or power to control our neighbors WE COULD NEVER GIVE SUCH POWER TO THE GOVERNMENTS WE THE PEOPLE CREATED BY CONSTITUTION.

ABC statute, xyz regulation, attached and highlighted, as placed on and in public record state in black and white writing I will be penalized, trespassed upon, denied the basic knowledge of the powers and authorities applied against me. This application so blatantly exposed by public record is presented in a conspiracy to circumvent the Bill of Rights and the State Constitution’s Declaration of Rights. See attached as highlighted public documents presented for recognition and execution of the contract terms. The circumvention is now exposed by the use or threat of coercion through law or the legal process.

The basic foundation for the TORT is the Breach of Contract, the constitution pledged to be upheld by the Tortfeasors identified herein and herewith.

DAMAGES: Ledger sheet is attached as INVOICE, the attempt to Collect a Debt.

The debt is the specific performance of every government officer and employee to serve and protect the People through action in strict compliance with the laws of the good People’s Constitutions as the fundamental first obligation owed by any government actor.

(Ledger document will be provided at a later time if there is a request to do so, and real Americans, particularly Mothers, actually go into action to hold public officials to account for their actions.)

The TORT CLAIM is filed in three places

1. The agency or entity of government delegated the duties to address TORTS.  

2. The Attorney General’s Office, both state and federal under a cover letter providing proof of service containing one question supporting proper procedural flow resulting in payment, settlement or denial of the TORT CLAIM. “Question; Under what law or theory of law, custom, policy or practice does the government extend its limited powers to the control and regulation covering what I do with my body or my children’s bodies.“ 

3. The agency or entity keeping employment records for the identified individual Tortfeasors. The cover letter is to demand the TORT CLAIM be attached directly to the individual employment records. The reason for this, also stated in the cover letter, is so the honest government officers and employees may limit and control the damages done, or about to be done, by the identified Tortfeasors.

The classic TORT of negligence per se elements fits the vaccination issue.

1.     the defendant violated the constitution or statute,

2.     the statute provides for a criminal penalty (i.e., fines or imprisonment) but not for civil penalties, 

3.     the act caused the kind of harm the constitution or statute was designed to prevent, and

4.     the plaintiff was or is a member of the constitutions or statute's protected class.

The principles, facts, laws, procedures identified herein apply to abortion laws, gun laws, drug laws, traffic tickets, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, FALSE IMPRISONMENT FOR POLITICAL PURPOSE and every other regulatory act or omission in operation by government actors.


The simple fact is the American People as a whole are law abiding for the most part. Our guiding fundamental is to treat others the way we choose to be treated. This fundamental in daily operation creates a healthy vibrant society which expands safety and security of all individuals, through application of the principles that American liberty touches. This fundamental is what has drawn so many from other cultures to seek their own liberty by coming to our country to experience the American dream. 

One single law suit in the proper court will call the Idaho government to answer.

The question to be answered is: 

By what authority does Idaho government exercise an ownership position over any child while forcing known toxic vaccinations into the child’s body, indicating the child is a slave owned by the State of Idaho?

Under what law or theory of law, custom, policy or practice does the government extend its limited powers to the control and regulation covering what I do with my body or my children’s bodies?“ 


Andra has made me aware that a group of mothers in Idaho are seeking to gain the RIGHT TO CHOOSE the control of health issues concerning their children.For those mothers choosing to know and understand their true powers of choice over their own bodies and that of their children, I offer the following.

Those completing the classes will be given, no fee, the legal mechanism to not only challenge the State of Idaho slave vaccination operation, yet more to the point, have Idaho government admit it was wrong in its actions.

There is no way on Gods green earth that the Idaho government structure could stand up against a well informed and organized group of Idaho mothers protecting the health of their children!

The proof of fact for the above statement is MADD, Mother Against Drunk Drivers. In less than 4 years one mother spread her force of will and specific intent over our whole country. More to the point is the movement created was self organized by grass roots mothers coming from the common sense positions all mothers have when it comes to raising and protecting their children. Simply put, MADD had the right issue, the right knowledge, the right application, in the right places. MADD did not shy away from the power brokers, MADD challenged them in their own dens and demanded answers.

The method applied by MADD is a guiding template of proved success. One single law suit in the proper court will call the Idaho government to answer.

The question to be answered is:

By what authority does Idaho government exercise an ownership position over any child while forcing known toxic vaccinations into the child’s body, indicating the child is a slave owned by the State of Idaho?



It really is that simple. Government is by consent. Otherwise it is slavery. Governments first duty is to serve the best interests of the People. How is it then in the best interest of the People to bypass consent?
Now is the time to choose!



We all recognize a great many things in our Country are harmful to most Americans. Given this is a true statement, which it is, the question rises, what to do about the problems. Reaching this point in personal contemplation exposes the fundamental choice facing every American right now. Do I stand up and work towards a better future for myself, my family, my neighbors, my Country, or, do I bend over and act like a good little slave?


The choice point is open to any and every American right now. This email is offering some tools to those choosing to exercise their liberty. What I see is a common set of problems that will be addressed in open on point discussion. Defining the problem is the key element. Then the problems can be addressed and resolved.  The essential misconstructions as I see them, is summed up in a few statements.

1.     Failure to define yourself, your political, legal and commercial relationships in a clear concise manner INVITES someone to do it for you. Did this happen to you?

2.     Negative statements drawn from someone else’s or something else’s positions cannot define you for yourself or your positions. Have you attempted to have the systemites act under their own promises?

3.     Attempting to negate another’s positions, held over you, by using their positions is insanity. 

4.     Expecting crooks to not be crooked is not only stupid and dangerous, yet it is an illusion of the highest order.

5.     In this country there are only masters and servants in relations to government. If you are not a self-recognized master with public record proof you are a subject.

In order for We the good People to access effective platforms from which to act, We must understand the fundamentals of our American experiment in self-governance. Without the fundamentals being understood in a simple, direct clear pattern, we leave those choosing to regulate us in charge of our lives, making choices for us that do not serve our best interest.

Every reader of this email is OFFERED THE OPPORTUNITY to engage in exploring and perfecting personal security through understanding individual legal, political and commercial relationships with the SYSTEM. Having these understandings then creates the informed place from which to make choices for having a better, more peaceful, more prosperous and life. Having this knowledge, understanding and the methods to apply the principles originally founding our Country is a win, win situation. This is because there is nothing to lose, and the probability of gaining more freedom. We, as a People are already well down the path of self destruction. We all have something to gain by truly knowing our powers and authorities.

 OFFERED: 3 sets classes of 3 classes each.  Two hours each class. .30 minutes of presentation and 1.30 minutes open discussion.


 Class 1: Fundamentals of the American identity. Understanding the contracts that birthed the American experiment in self government. In particular your individual personal political relations to that experiment. THE HOW TO WITH IDENTITY DOCUMENT SUPERIOR TO GOVERNMENT ISSUED ID, PROVIDED.

Class 2: Fundamentals of law, where it really comes from, how to carry it with you and most important what your political and commercial relations to law truly are. THE HOW TO NOTIFY THE SERVANTS OF YOUR STANDING AND CAPACITY, WITH INSTRUCTIONS AND DOCUMENTS.

Class 3: Commerce, knowing the fundamentals, where to find the principles governing commerce and your relations to transactions. Most important how to keep your commerce under your control. THE HOW TO HAVE ABSOLUTE PROOF OF FACT AND LAW YOU ARE THE DEPOSITING CREDITOR TO THE FINANCIAL STRUCTURE.

The meetings will be with 10 to 20 Freedom Lovers per class. Fee is $25.00 per hour per student. Total of 18 hours. Fee due in advance of each class. Contact instructions below.

Class, Tuesday, Thursday evenings, 7 pm pacific time, call 605-313-4477 Pin: 862487,
Classes start Thursday, February 28, 2019. 7pm (PST)
(additional classes if needed) (please advise of scheduling issues or requests)


 I will provide list of works documents and where to find them or send copy out for each set of classes.
Whatever I present is welcome to be shared so long as we as a group all agree. In other words, you would be bonding the acts of those you share with in a two sided exercise of being your brother’s keeper. C
lasses will be recorded with access to members.


 Bonus class for as long as it takes to review in the association personal declarations perfecting legal relationships to government. NO FEE.


 The classes group or groups will be formed into a Private Association, (search private associations, freedom of association) by Contract. The contract is for the purpose of engaging in the protected right of free association, under shared intent, perfecting the RIGHT TO CHOOSE our individual health, political, legal and commercial activities.
Members will have priority to what I do, my services, on individual private agreement basis.
25 years ago I dedicated myself completely with no limit commitment to two propositions. Clean Law and Money systems. This is still my only focus. This is because these two basics of any society or culture determine the health of the society.


 Currently no one has a clean place to stand. With no clean platform to act from the only issues that could be addressed are those resulting from corrupted money and law operations. NO solutions or resolution possible when the core corruption is allowed to continue. Dealing with results of corruption guarantees it continues because the core is never changed.




The classes are designed for the teaching of one’s self the true gifts available to each of us as Americans. Then, executing under your own knowledge and capacity in our public forum.


For the Wednesday conference call please have an email set up to go out to those requesting the documents.
Idaho State Constitution.
Declaration of Independence.
Articles of Confederation.
1783 Treaty of Peace.
U.S. constitution.
42 USC; sections, 1986, 1985, 1983, 1982, 1981.
18 USC; sections, 241, 242.
United States Attorneys Manual section 1739.
US v Kozminski , 487 US 931


Open Invitation from Charley



You are invited to a discussion for the organizing the political power of the people to be expressed directly into the control system, now styled government, with the intent to ratify your right to choose the management activities over your own health. The specific target is vaccines being forced into our bodies. The principles founding this discussion apply in many areas of our relationships to government.


After discussions with Angle, Jeremy In Washington and Guy in Idaho it is apparent that there is now enough energy sharing the same goal to begin serious discussions.

 A new conference line is now set up for this discussion.
Conference call WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2019, 7 PM Pacific. 605-313-4477,  Pin: 862487
PMS= Persistent Mothers Society,  
For me to find out if there is enough commitment to engage the systemites in their own forum under their own rules requiring a direct answer. I am willing to lay out the proven procedures to GET THE FULL ATTENTION of the systemites. For a single purpose. Hopefully each recipient of this invitation has read the Washington letter written at Angles request.  Same was served into Washington public records on Wednesday, 2-19-2019. (See above Letter and attachment)


That letter was a gift for anyone anywhere to use, NOW.
What is needed is a core group of mothers, grandmothers and like minded people to put together an organized campaign targeting a single point.
THE TARGET: To place all government officers and employees in the position to justify the poisoning of children and others, under the force of color of law, by disclosing governments authorities to RAPE, TRESPASS, DAMAGE, HARM, INJURE and HOLD CHILDREN AS CHATTEL PROPERTY, SLAVES, by knowingly invading their bodies with known toxins.


 Governments in this country were from the beginning and still only have one primary duty. To serve and protect the good People that created them.The mechanics, procedures and methods will be laid out in clear, simple, precise language. References will be provided as to public documents to be used and applied. Then, open discussion seeking consensus of an outline addressing the target point and how to make it work.

Please recall Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, MADD, and what organized mothers did across the whole country in a very short time. The whole fabric of government shook when the MADD women spoke.

Let’s go have some fun and get things done.

Conference call Wednesday February 27, 2019. 7pm (PST), 605-313-4477 Pin: 862487

For sign up information contact:

Charley Miller
Liberty 4u
Dr Guy Wilson


Health Freedom Idaho Advocate 
Andra Wilson
