Important Email Sent to Keven Annett [with Comment by PHB and AB]
NOTE: Please pray for these good people!-- A, & P. Bellringe
Common Law/ITCCS activists in Ireland occupy offices of child trafficking company TUSLA - breaking report from Trish Bland in Dublin - send messages of support to them c/o
“You there Kevin... We need help... Have taken over main Tusla office in Dublin... Locked in now 27 hours and refuse to leave until answer's are given.
They have refused for food and water to be brought to the people which is breach of human rights also.
I think they are working on an injunction Monday to have people removed Gardaí have been called on 3 occasions and all left people in building.
1 woman has been taken in an ambulance from dehydration...
WE need help support fast to make this work”!!!
T (name withheld)