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Talking with Sandra

Mat Staver

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This morning my staff was able to listen to, and pray with, Sandra Merritt to give her personal encouragement as we provide professional defense. My legal team is preparing to appeal the case. In a shocking turn last week, the judge instructed the jury that Sandra must be found “guilty” and gave more than a hundred pages of instructions. Those instructions even included his thoughts on what was or was not evidence in her case.

Appealing this tainted verdict is just one of many ways that I'm fighting to stop money from going to these abortion clinics. Today, I’m on Capitol Hill to meet with some of our nation’s best and brightest pro-life leaders.  This is an exciting moment to strategize for the challenges and opportunities coming in 2020.

Also, at this exact moment, our government is debating what it will pay for with your tax dollars. The decision will be made in as little as 24 hours, and the chief concern is whether they will fight to stop sending more of your money to abortion clinics. I hope you will take what Sandra exposed and send an urgent fax right now to leaders in the Senate. - Mat

Radical legislators in the House are trying to push Senators to cave and force you to pay for more abortions through your tax dollars ... in fact they want A LOT more money for abortions all around the globe.

The current budget is full of poison pills like overturning President Trump’s “Mexico City Policy.” This policy blocks international aid from being used to encourage or pay for abortions.

We need to work quick and we need to work smart to stop these underhanded tricks. We are supporting a continuing resolution that will fund the government for the next 30 days as a work-around to avoid having a government shutdown or being forced to pass this radical budget the House sent over to the Senate.

House representatives are so committed to forcing their views on abortion that they included language in the budget that forces every doctor and nurse to do abortions. This egregious violation of the religious freedom of our medical professionals has absolutely NO BUSINESS being in our budget!

This is just one of many reasons why we must stop the budget laced with these damaging provisions and instead pass a simple continuing resolution. Please send an urgent fax to the Senate to hold the line in this battle. Click below to get started.

If we do nothing to stop this budget language and it is enacted, there will be a mass exodus of doctors and nurses leaving their work. This will contribute exponentially to the current shortage of medical professionals.

No one should be forced to choose between losing your career or killing an innocent person—and especially not forced by our government.

Already, there is a projected shortage of up to 90,000 doctors over the next six years! With the American population aging, there is going to be a huge need for good doctors and principled medical staff.

There needs to be a groundswell of Americans rising up to stop this bill, including YOU. Take a moment to call your senators right now or send a fax to strengthen LCA's work on Capitol Hill to stop this.

I ask you to pray for our leadership meetings today, for unity, clarity, and wisdom. We are fighting to protect innocent lives, religious freedom, gun rights, and parental rights this month. We are excited to work to shape the national debate to protect your freedoms that are vital to our nation’s survival.

Partner with me in this battle by becoming a monthly donor of 25, 50, or 100 dollars to Liberty Counsel Action, or even a one-time gift, to help us push back this assault on innocent life today.

Thank you for joining with us in this battle!


Mat Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action


P.S. Help LCA stop this pro-abortion budget, which forces both international aid and doctors to support abortion. WE NEED YOUR HELP RIGHT NOW to support a continuing resolution with an urgent fax to Congress urging them to STOP THIS MESS. If you are able to donate, we would be grateful for your support. But we also need MORE HELP in fighting the dangerous pro-abortion wish list radicals are pushing in Congress – PLEASE enlist your friends in this critical fight.  Adding to our pro-life army is as easy as sending this email to your friends.




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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854
