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‘Death to America!’: BLM Protesters Echo Iran During March Through Oakland, Calif.

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undreds of Black Lives Matter protesters marched through the streets of Oakland, Calif., last Wednesday chanting “death to America.”


Rioters among the crowd also set fires and broke into several businesses while vandalizing others, according to police. Video of the protest along with the anti-American chant went viral across Twitter on Sunday.

“This wasn’t widely reported. On Wednesday night, around 700 black bloc militants and their supporters rampaged through Oakland, Cal. They chanted ‘death to America’ while starting fires and smashing cars and buildings,” The Post Millennial Editor-at-Large Andy Ngo said.

Rioters also lobbed objects at police officers. No officers were injured, and a handful of the rioters were arrested, the Oakland Police Department (OPD ) said on Wednesday.

“600-700 people took part in violent & destructive protests Wed. night. numerous fires set, dozens of windows broken, multiple businesses vandalized. Protesters threw objects at officers, thankfully no officers were injured. Several people arrested,” OPD said. Read more…