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THE MARSHALL REPORT: The Organized Street Soldiers are at it again. Will the National Guard end it or will it be a shameful show?

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Meanwhile, the lawlessness must have gotten a green light. Here we go again. Reruns of 2020. It’s a street thug soap opera. This stuff is so organized it stinks.

And here comes the guard….



And if you don’t like what’s playing on that channel, switch to a modern day western.
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'WE WILL KEEP OUR GOD WE WILL KEEP OUR GUNS AND OUR CONSTITUTION!'



I’m watching President Trump as the organized evil raises its’ head once again.

Meanwhile… more people are kicking the mask police out of their businesses! We must not become as the left lost above in the videos. but what we must become is strong in protecting what is ours, starting with our constitutional rights. We stand our ground and stop allowing lawlessness to run us into poverty and submission.