Occupy Wall Street Day 13: Top Cop - It's OK Occupation Can Stay
Chaz Valenza
According to DNAInfo's Crime & Safety Report, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said today that the NYPD cound not bar protesters from Zuccotti Park because the agreement with the city requires the park to be open 24 hours a day.
Confirmation the Transit Workers Union, representing over 200,000 members in 22 states is now supporting Occupy Wall Street.
Jim Gannon spokesperson for the TWU says, " Yes, our Executive Board endorsed it, but we haven't [made] any official statements on it, and only individual members have spent time there so far."
NYC members plan on joining the Closing Bell March at 4:00 on Friday, September 30th.
Despite rainy weather, lack of shelter and increasing illness due to exposure, the Wall Street overnight occupiers' numbers have grown 33% from 200 on the first day, September 17th to over 300 recently according to a Time Magazine reporter.
Today, a Precinct community council is being held regarding NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna at 16 Erickson Place NY, NY. He was the officer caught on video that pepper sprayed marchers bound for Union Square this past Saturday. Occupiers are planning on making a calm, non-violent presence at the event.
Frequently on marches through the narrow canyons of lower Manhattan's financial district, protesters are gawked at by the wealthy patrons of Harry Cipriani. Lately, it has become something of a ritual for the haut monde to sip champagne smiling down at the rabble from the plush second floor balcony. Video HERE.
Wall Street Mocks Protesters By Drinking Champagne 2011 by Alien Disclosure Group UK StephenHannardADGUK's Channel
Box Score:
OWS Protesters Arrested: 141 (+/- 20)
Wall Street Banksters Arrested: 0
People Power Hours (PPH)* since Day 1 - NYC only: 429,000
Donations to OWS Funds: $47,000
Growth Continues in NYC and Nationally:
Overnight occupiers now represent 26 states of the union including Alaska. OWS has raised over $47,000 for its general, media team, electric generator and transportation funds.
OWS reports they need donations of the following materials: warm clothing, sweat shirts and pants, socks, NYC Metrocards for public transportation, towels, blankets, basic hygiene products and first aid supplies including vitamins.
Link: Occupy Wall Street Food Fund Donations HERE
Link: Occupy Wall Street Media Fund Donations HERE
Nonperishable and Money Order Donations: The UPS Store, Occupy Wall Street, 118A Fulton St. #205, New York, NY 10038
NYPD continue to deny occupiers in Liberty Plaza, a.k.a. Zuccotti Park the option of setting up tents. No further moves to oust the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) have occurred since the attempt to circulate an eviction notice days ago. OWS is making efforts to communicate with the owners of occupied Zuccotti Park Brookfield Properties (listed on the NYSE as BPO).
The Spray Meister - NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna by RightWingWatch MA
Participation increases to over 2,000 protesters at any one time during work week days and to nearly 5,000 on weekends. Even this slow growth is an incredible feat considering the fact that this 24/7 event has endured 13 straight days.
OWS's Community Outreach team has been canvassing the areas of the outer boroughs.
The Labor outreach team has reported they have been inundated with requests from various unions around the city. On Monday, OWS rallied with the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) at a mid-town Manhattan USPS facility. Another joint union rally is planned with District Council 37, NYC largest municipal public employees' union with 175,000 members.
Additionally, occupations are now ongoing in Los Angeles, CA and Chicago, IL.
Unarmed protesters pepper sprayed in NY, Sept 24, 2011. Image via Death and Taxe by Image via Death and Taxe
Nationwide, affiliated OWC movement events are beginning in Lexington, KY; Kansas City, MO; Washington D.C.; Sacramento, San Jose and San Francisco, CA; Las Vegas NV, Houston, and Dallas, TX this coming week. Philadelphia, PA, Boston, MA, Seattle, WA and Tampa, FL are holding planning meetings in the coming days.
Reports that over one hundred rank and file NYPD police officers are refusing over-time in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street remain unconfirmed.
Demands and Principles Update:
A working draft of the NYC General Assembly's Principles of Solidarity has been released. It can be read HERE.
Ideas about demands and the process of reaching consensus on demands continues. Generally, the demands all surround issues of oppression including wealth inequity, banking and economic corruption, unemployment, health care profiteering, press censorship and media access, curtailing U.S. government imperialist actions including the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, ending capital punishment and taking actions to preventing corporate influence over elections and government policy decision.
*People Power Hours PPH explained here on page 3
Author's Bio: Chaz Valenza is writer and small business owner in New Jersey. He earned his MBA from New York University's Stern School of Business. His current feature film project is "Single Point Failure" an insider's account of how the Reagan Administration caused the greatest tragedy of the space age based on Richard C. Cook's book "Challenger Revealed." He is a former Director of Public Information for Planned Parenthood of NYC. His website is: www.WordsWillNever.com