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First Anti-RNC Rally of 2004 on January 15

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and Housing, not for War and Occupation! Bring the troops home now! Stop the war on unions, civil liberties, immigrants, and the poor!"

A partial list of the diverse organizations and leaders organizing the rally include New York City Council members Bill Perkins, Charles Barron and Larry Seabrook; The Martin Luther King Jr. Peace Now Committee; New York City Labor Against The War; The Center For Constitutional Rights; The Bread And Roses Cultural Project of 1199/SEIU; The New York City Aids Housing Network; NISPOP- Network in Solidarity with the People of the Philippines; Working People's Voices Collective; the Arab Muslim American Federation; and International ANSWER, along with many other peace activist and groups.

We invite you to join us as we kick off a year of resistance and protest against the RNC. For more information, to pick up flyers for this event, or to endorse, call 212-633-6646.
