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Anti-Semitism: Where Does Hate Originate?

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drunken cavorting, Halloween style clothing and masks, Talmudic men cross-dressed as women and a general topsy-turvy, 'Lord of Misrule' ambiance." (Michael Hoffman, Judaism Discovered, p.824)

The festival commemorates Queen Esther's convincing the King of Persia, Ahaseurus, to slaughter anti-Semites who "planned to exterminate Jews." These anti-Semites led by the Prime Minister Haman were killed by the thousands. At Purim, Jews innocently bake and eat cookies called "Hamantaschem"  (shaped like Haman's ear) as part of the celebration. This sense of imminent extermination is ingrained in the Jewish psyche and is used to manipulate them and justify any behavior.

Jews never consider that anti-Semitism might be a response to their own leaders' age old plan for world government tyranny, now coming to fruition in the satanic New World Order (aka "globalism" "Jewish Messianism.")

Humanity is now under constant terrorist attack -- financial (credit meltdown), military (9-11, "revolutions",) "accidental" (Gulf spill) and "natural" (earthquakes, hurricanes, radiation) -- from a Cabalist Jewish cult, the Illuminati, which controls most governments (through credit/debt) with the aid of Freemasonry, mass media and secret services.

Mankind's tragic experience is largely a result of the hatred of this small Satanist cabal which has been only too willing to sacrifice non-Illuminati Jews in the Holocaust to advance their goal. Their stated plan is to wear us all down until we accept their "super government."   

Let's note the words of a suppressed Christian historian, Olivia Marie O'Grady, in her 1959 book The Beasts of the Apocalypse. I have not witnessed the "hate" she speaks of from my fellow assimilated Jews, (quite the contrary), but I think it does characterize the Illuminati Jewish/Zionist leadership:

"The celebration of the feast of Purim became a symbolic orgy of hatred against the Christians...What the Jews did to Haman, the Jews would do to Christians... Every time the hated name of Haman was uttered, the Jews beat the benches of the synagogue with stones and mallets, screaming and yelling with frenzied zeal...the synagogue rang with cries of the crudest and most profane denunciations. The Christians, having no doubt as to the real meaning of the performances, were shocked and understandably indignant. Theodosius II [Byzantine Emperor 408-450] put an end to these indecent scenes by the enactment of a law prohibiting the festival." (p.43) 

"There is no single fact in history more clearly obvious than the peculiar animosity of the Jews for all peoples other than their own. It is only to be understood on the basis of the almost incredible obsession of race superiority -- the myth of the chosen people.The general antagonism against all Gentiles in general is surpassed only by the Jewish hatred of Christianity in particular.

If Christ was the Son of God and brought salvation to all the races of the world, then, of course, the Covenant with Abraham was misinterpreted by the Jews in the first place, or it was superseded by Christ's mission. The Jew -- as long as he is hedged in by the mental ghetto of his race -- can never accept this doctrine. The Messiah he expected was to be an invincible warrior who would conquer the Gentiles, rebuild the Temple, and rule the nations of the world from the ancient seat of power in Jerusalem.

The Jehovah of Judaism is a jealous God, and glory and power is only for the seed of Abraham who wear the scar of the Covenant.

Organized Jewry will never abandon its inborn conviction that it is the Chosen People. The passing of the centuries has neither dulled nor modified this ingrained faith. Only the interpretation of the means of accomplishment have been altered; new methods for old, and a concerted plan of action under modern and scientific planning....

Perhaps the Messiah expected so long is merely a symbol of their own genius; the tempered weapon of their own ingenuity. What might not be accomplished by the sword, may more easily be achieved by the mind.

There is much more power in the intrigues of the cloakroom than is to be purchased in the halls of oratory; and it is better to own the king than to sit on the throne. There is more destructive power in the counting room than may be found in a hundred atom bombs, and it is more profitable to finance your enemies to fight each other than it is to fight both of them yourself. 

It is easier to infiltrate a government than to take it by assault; and what can be done with a single government may be done with a government of all nations." (p. 44)           

Brother Nathaniel -- Talmud Exposed (YouTube)

How Jews See Purim

Related - Purim Blood Lust

March 28, 2011