Freedom restored in Northwest Florida!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel
battle with the ACLU to stop their radical
agenda to criminalize Christianity. Just in
time for Independence Day weekend celebrations,
the ACLU's reign of terror in Santa Rosa
County is coming to an end! This battle
appears to be won, but the war rages on. We
must keep the ACLU from invading your community
like they did the Panhandle region of Florida.
Please read my thankful (and hopeful!) message
below - Mat.
Two years ago, two senior school employees were charged with
criminal contempt and faced $5,000 in fines, six months in
jail, and the loss of their collective 70 years of retirement
Their "crime" was asking a blessing over a meal.
This happened because the American Civil Liberties Union's
(ACLU) radical agenda to criminalize all expressions of
Christianity in public settings, in this case taking the
form of an unconstitutional Consent Decree, was implemented
in Santa Rosa County, Florida.
Now, after two years of intense legal confrontations, faced
with an imminent trial and damning evidence of their
extensive constitutional violations, the ACLU and the
Santa Rosa School District have agreed to settle Liberty
Counsel's federal lawsuit challenging their notorious
Consent Decree on behalf of 24 students, teachers, parents,
and community members.
The Consent Decree that led to criminal indictments
against school employees for prayer and banned simple
expressions like "God bless" in Santa Rosa County
Schools will now be totally dismantled and recreated
as a document that AFFIRMS the constitutional rights
of students, teachers, administrators, parents, and
anyone else affected by this Northwest Florida schools
Actually, the amended Consent Decree will restore dozens of
constitutional religious freedoms that were previously being
infringed upon or denied to our clients.
As a result of this settlement, Liberty Counsel's clients
who are teachers will now...
be able to pray at school during their break times;
pray during school events in a non-official capacity;
attend and fully participate in baccalaureate services;
have a Bible on their desk; wear religious jewelry;
and assign readings from the Bible to students when
relevant to non-religious academic assignments.
Among other religious liberties peculiar to their status as
students, young people in Santa Rosa County will now...
be allowed to voluntarily pray; submit religious answers
in homework assignments; and freely participate in
private after school religious programs.
Other client groups will have similar rights restored and
once again breathe the invigorating air of religious freedom
in this Northwest Florida school district! Praise be to God!
This is a huge step in the right direction and a victory for
the citizens Santa Rosa County. This settlement ends our
two-year court battle against a Consent Decree that threatened
the religious freedoms of Americans everywhere and made
headlines across the nation for its anti-Christian attacks,
such as charging school leaders with crimes for saying a
prayer over their meal.
The notice of settlement was filed with the court this morning
and awaits official approval by the School Board and the Court.
++We are rejoicing but cannot become complacent!
Any military officer knows that the most vulnerable time for
his battle force is after a major victory. That's because
an adversary is most likely to counter-attack after a long,
exhausting assault has depleted their opposition's resources.
As I have shared over the past several weeks, the ACLU and
their local confederates have tried to bury us in paperwork,
depositions, and all manner of excessive legal procedures.
But with God's help and the prayers and support of friends
like you, we persevered to the end and reached a successful
To state the obvious, the ACLU is NOT HAPPY with the
Santa Rosa School system's decision to settle and
throw out their unconstitutional "Consent Decree!"
We also know that this ACLU "Consent Decree" initiative in
Santa Rosa County has been a template of what the ACLU wants
to do across the country, including your community. We
believe that we have not seen the end of this outrageous
ACLU strategy - and anticipate counter-attacks will begin...
possibly in a place near you or your loved ones.
Santa Rosa County, Florida, has truly been "ground zero"
for America's religious liberty, but it has also been a
"proving ground" for the ACLU's bullying tactics!
++The battle plan going forward.
Liberty Counsel MUST be able to continue standing up to the
ACLU until every situation in which religious liberty and
freedom are being threatened is fully resolved! But please
know that these are very expensive battles. This case consumed
(and is still consuming) enormous amounts of our precious
time and resources, most of which will not be reimbursed.
Patrick, I know that many of our key supporters have
already contributed to help us meet this challenge. But
even if you have already taken action with us in Santa Rosa
County, the ongoing fight to stop the ACLU bullies is
worthy of every freedom-loving American's ongoing support.
Will you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible
gift today to help Liberty Counsel continue fighting
on behalf of liberty, life, and family at this pivotal
time in American history?
A gift of $30 or more will entitle you to receive a free
copy of the newly released best-selling book "Resurgent: How
Constitutional Conservatism Can Save America" by Ken Blackwell
and Ken Klukowski. This book is a vital read for all Americans
who want to "see the path forward" from the morass of
liberalism the Obama Administration and their sycophants
(like the ACLU!) has brought us.
Click here to support Liberty Counsel's ongoing battle against
the deep-pocketed ACLU and many other litigation efforts,
including taking down ObamaCare, and to learn more about
++Liberty Counsel is aggressively restoring our culture!
The Santa Rosa County case is another example of the way in
which Liberty Counsel's body of work for over 21 years has
become an indispensible asset for all those who love liberty,
life, and family. And with the help of thoughtful Americans
like you, we will continue to have an enormous impact on our
culture for good!
Every day, Liberty Counsel's staff is engaged in legal
advocacy on behalf of the public interest - like our
resolute opposition to the ACLU's bullying in Northwest
A majority of the hundreds of cases in our current docket will
be handled without ever going to court. But the ones that do
go to court, like our epic battle in Santa Rosa County,
usually require extensive preparation and research.
Of all the cases we handle, 95% are resolved without going
to court. Of the remaining 5% that goes to court, our win
ratio is 86% since 1989 and 92% since 2004.
And, as in this momentous outcome in Santa Rosa County, our
win ratio against the ACLU is even higher!
Much of what we do is never reported in the media. We
represent, free of charge, those people and organizations
whose liberties are threatened by the bullying tactics of
the ACLU and other anti-faith, anti-freedom, anti-family
It's only because of friends like you that any of
this can happen! Voluntary financial support from
tens of thousands of thoughtful, modern-day patriots
makes it possible for us to turn back assaults on
our freedom.
Click here to tell me, "Yes, Mat! I (we) stand with you and
Liberty Counsel, and will make a special gift at this pivotal
time in our nation's history":
We depend on friends who give $25, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or
even more - whatever the Lord leads. And for a limited time,
your gift of $30 or more will entitle you to receive a free
copy of the newly released book, "Resurgent: How Constitutional
Conservatism Can Save America" by Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski.
Please go here:
Thank you for continuing to stand with us and God bless you!
And thanks be to God for giving us this monumental victory
in Santa Rosa County. To Him goes the glory!
Your partner in the defense of true liberty,
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. It is extremely challenging these days to be fighting
both the ACLU and the Department of Justice (as in our lawsuit
against ObamaCare), both of which seem intent on running
roughshod over our unalienable, God-given rights and reducing
America into just another European-style socialist nation.
God forbid! Please consider a special gift to Liberty
Counsel today:
+ + Comments? Questions?
Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and
Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and
policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom,
the sanctity of human life and family.
Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776
July 1, 2011