Comment on: 'Witchcraft, the Occut and your kids'
A footnote to this excellent article: 'Witchcraft, the Occult and your kids'
Viewing the first Potter film, I was aghast at the luring of children away from their families and into such a dark reality. I have never returned to view another and have been shocked that friends take that material so lightly, as the WND article describes.
I watched with alarm as over the last ten years (approx.), all over the country in unison, school breaks and vacations were switched and altered, so that now suddenly, schools have "October Break". We never used to have that! I witnessed, with some understanding, that this emphasis was being added in.
So far, the incremental changes have October Break landing a week or two before Halloween. It would likely have provoked public reaction if October Break had been set exactly on Halloween. Just watch and see whether at some point it is slipped later in October one of these years… unless the public notices and starts to correct this trend. And Halloween itself has gone from the neighborhood harvest-type bonfire after friendly Trick ‘n’ Treat home visits, to shockingly abhorrent ghoulish costuming and acting-out.
And at the same time, we as a culture witnessed that traditional religions were marginalized through the rise of moral relativism and the leverage of an inappropriate application of the principle of separation of church and state. So today, celebrating Christmas and other sacred holidays is barely tolerable under the doctrine of "political correctness".
I don't know where these calendar switches originated, but it is obvious that if we look high enough up the hierarchy, there will be a source for these school instructions that suddenly changed the entire culture's longstanding vacation patterns.
These changes have been orchestrated to add a little more change each year, so as not to arouse suspicion or public reaction. At the same time cultural mores changed so as to marginalize the longstanding American Christmas/Chanukah/and other holidays - New Year holiday ("holy day") into the "neutral" "Winter Break".
Perhaps someone knows from where this "source" of instructions for the "new" school breaks and vacations, that is, the source of this "new" cultural calendar, emanates?
Also please note that as of about thirty, forty years ago, I clearly recall that wearing black was something that only "hoods" (i.e., hoodlums) wore - and only rarely completely all black - and weird, deliberately evil-looking people wore. At some point in about the mid-80's, suddenly wearing black was cropping up widely in all kinds of designers' offerings. Some other standard colors, like camel, became hard to find. Black was everywhere and everything was in black. Well, you only have to look around today to see the color black dominating design in clothing, shoes and accessories, personal electronics - yes, some are now in fashion colors -, dyed hair, eye makeup, pop culture celebrities, automobiles, and so on. Aside from traditionally representing the dark side, black clothing has the effect on the human body of suppressing the chakras and natural energy flows, and depressing the mind.
Again, we can responsibly surmise from where these changes are being directed.
Lastly, I recommend the book previously mentioned on your site – The Marketing of Evil, by David Kupelian.
Best regards and appreciation,