Dumbed Down Christianity in America
Realman 2000
I used to hear the slogan that real men do not go to church. After many years, I know why. The churches today are nothing more the watered down state run institutions thanks to 501c3 status. This status of the Churches has made this vital institution of no effect. They are no longer the salt of the earth. This is a big difference from the Christian church in 1776 and today.
We have to see how we have fallen so far since 200 years ago. When the first confrontations at Lexington and Concord happened with militia facing off against the Redcoats. The Clergy were the ones who instilled the principles of resistance to tyranny. The British Army called these ministers the Black Brigade regiment. These were the men from the pulpit, who preached resistance to corruption and tyranny. They did not preach pacifism.
Before the Bolshevik Revolution was a success in Russia, the Churches were infiltrated with communist operatives that watered down the doctrine of the Russian Orthodox Church. When communism took over society with their reign of terror, it was hard for the Church to resist such evil because the theology was watered down when the government preached Romans 13. They went along with the like sheep to the being ready to be feasted by hungry wolves. The people did not have the knowledge to discern the difference between manipulation and sound doctrine.
In America, the churches were infiltrated by the same foundations that overthrown the Russian Czars. Eugenics was introduced to the Church as a Christian Doctrine in America. This was a complete manipulation of sound doctrine in the Church. The Seminaries have been taken over to teach future pastors and clergymen false teachings. Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson passed the 501c3 law to stop churches preaching politics from the pulpit because ministers were involved in politics that was making it difficult for corrupt people to get into politics.
They brought in what is called the rapture theory to get the Church to stand down and not resist evil, since they were told they are going to be teleported out to meet Jesus in the clouds before darkness falls upon the land. They were lied to. Many of these people suffered under a terror we never experienced because they were told to stand down, and they will be delivered out of the world before the tyranny starts. This rapture theory was preached in Russia, China, and NAZI Germany to get the church and active Christians to stand down and not fight back against the evil ever encroaching in the their land.
Now we have the Clergy Response team of apostate Pastors who sold out for a government handout telling their flock to go along with tyranny. The congregations were told that it is God's will to turn in our firearms, go to the FEMA camps, and turn over our children to the government pedophiles. They are deceiving their following to submit the wolves as lambs to the slaughter.
When you turn on Christian Broadcasting listening TV preachers today, you do not hear God's call to resist tyranny. All we hear is send them money and the guilt trip of personal vices everyone has. The 501c3 status and the clergy response teams are designed to be selectively enforced, or the IRS or Homeland security will go after one churches and leadership not talking the party line. They will leave the sellouts and political operatives dressed in preacher garb alone, who is promoting the agenda using God's name.
We have the ADL and AIPAC in the Churches preaching Israel first before our national welfare. The doctrine of the Just War is no more. Preachers like John Hagee and Pat Robertson use the name of Jesus to go attack countries that never attacked us or are a threat to us. We are in illegal wars because of the people being deceived.
When people follow religious leaders without checking them out first or testing the doctrine they preach from the pulpit, hell will follow every time.