The Pope in London - Voodoo - Kabbalah and OBAMA
The POPE is visiting LONDON and we would like to say a big thankyou to everyone who has been sending CHRIS photos, documents and information about the various Vatican scandals... Tomorrow, we are sending all our Feed Your Brain Magazine subscribers Chris' Special Investigation into EXORCISM IN THE ANCIENT WORLD - which has some little known and alarming information about what goes on within the walls of the Vatican... But that's not all - This week, Feed Your Brain Magazine also EXPOSES THE TRUTH about OBAMA'S GIFT to the Pope - it was a set of hand made robes, paid for by the American tax-payer - these robes were NOT for the Pope - they are for a SKELETON inside the VATICAN - a very special Skeleton which the Pope prays to... It is just one of many of strange 'VATICAN VOODOO' artefacts owned by the Pope...
This week all our FEED YOUR BRAIN MAGAZINE subscribers will be receiving:
- Part 2 of our investigation into the life of HOWARD HUGHES and the MORMON MAFIA in Las Vegas, where they hired Satanist Sammy Davis Junior - and we expose for the first time many of the OCCULT INTERESTS of Mr ELVIS PRESLEY...
- CHRIS EVERARD's investigation into EXORCIST RITUALS of the ANCIENT WORLD - with great HD photography from Egypt, Columbia, Cuba and Haiti - Don't Miss this one!
- INSIDE THE VATICAN: An investigation into the VOODOO and SKELETON CULTS operating globally and sanctioned by the VATICAN - and how these cults include MASONIC organisations such as the SKULL & BONES at YALE UNIVERSITY
We shall be sending all our subscribers DOWNLOAD LINKS where you can download PDF iBooks and MP3 radio shows from the FEED YOUR BRAIN MAGAZINE archives...
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