Americans United names us #1 threat!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel 10/8/2012
What are we doing to warrant our leading position on this ultraliberal group’s watch list? The actions you and I are taking together, including the massive distribution of our Patriot’s Handbook of Political Activity for Pastors and Churches prior to the historic 2012 election! Please see my urgent message below – Mat.
As stated on the AU website…
Americans United staff members have carefully researched this movement, and here are the 10 Religious Right groups that pose the greatest challenges to church-state separation…”
Here is how AU describes us:
Well, Americans United, there you go again!
These misguided ultraliberal activists are almost accurate. We certainly DO encourage pastors and church leaders to become involved in political activity and messaging to the extent allowed by U.S. law!
But that’s a GOOD thing – not something that is somehow a danger to the American Republic, as Americans United would have it!
George Washington and countless others of our nation’s Founders said that religion and morality were indispensable pillars of our government, and that pastors and churches have a key role to play in our constitutional republic.
But Barry Lynn and his AU cohorts want to silence the voice of the Church in government affairs forever! So, who should we believe – Americans United for the Separation of Church and State or the Founders and Framers of our Constitution?
++It’s a badge of honor to know that Liberty Counsel is among the top ten threats to AU’s leftist cause and ideology.
That means we are doing something right! Here is what we are doing right now that they consider a threat to their cause…
They accuse us of passing “dubious advice to churches.” Yet it is their allegations that are false and unfounded! They are intent in silencing the voice of the Church in America!
++Our Patriot’s Handbook of Political Action for Pastors and Churches is making a difference – and AU knows it!
As a Constitutional Attorney and former pastor, I assure you that the Patriot’s Handbook of Political Action for Pastors and Churches is a powerful and truthful resource compiled through decades of experience defending the rights of pastors, church leaders, and leaders of non-profit organizations.
After hearing my message on what pastors and churches can do in a special Pastors Policy Briefing, one nationally prominent pastor called me and said he “felt like an inmate let of prison.”
But letters from Americans United use scare tactics to silence pastors. Liberty Counsel’s powerful materials set them free! We know we are making a difference!
++We are running out of time before Election Day 2012. We must ship our remaining Handbooks this week!
Patrick, time is of the essence. Even if you have helped before, please consider one more gift for this vital campaign.
Please, help us get this handbook into the hands of pastors in your community – or help sponsor our shipment to some of the AU’s targeted pastors in battleground states.
Order Handbooks to personally deliver – or order Handbooks for us to ship. In any case, we want to get the remaining Handbooks to pastors and churches this week before time runs out!
Click here to order as many as you can possible deliver – or to secure a shipment to other churches we have identified as influential churches:
Please, believe me when I say that this information will counter the misrepresentations Americans United and other groups are distributing and will impact this election and many others to come.
God bless you as, together, we work to restore our nation!
Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. We are maligned by the left but will NEVER waver in our mission. The AU’s assessment of being a threat to the leftists’ cause is truly a badge of honor.
In November, we are challenged to change the course of our country and, indeed, history itself – but we must first confront the attempts to muzzle our nation’s ministry leaders!
Pastors and other Christian leaders have a God-given responsibility to speak the truth. The Patriot’s Handbook of Political Action for Pastors and Churches will help guide every Christian leader in forming their activities and messages in the days before this crucial election.
Please, join us in helping to distribute our entire inventory of Handbooks and get the truth into the hands of our pastors and ministry leaders.
Thank you and God bless you!
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+ + Comments? Questions?
Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family. Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776