Catholic and 46 other Churches back Obama's Gun Grab/ALERT
We are often asked, "what can we do" when the subject is how to resist the destruction of our Constitutional Republic, our liberties, and our freedoms.
We are not anti-Catholic or anti any religion, but we will oppose any religion that teaches contrary to the Laws of Nature and those unalienable rights given us by the Creator, not the church or government.
If you know American history at the time of the American Revolution, it was the church, the clergy, that were the motivators of that revolution and often preached about the principles of liberty. Not today however. most churches have NEVER preached a sermon about LIBERTY even though the Bible instructs them to. Even the LIBERTY bell says, "Proclaim LIBERTY throughout the land". Todays 501c3 is a state church and it's Articles of incorporation limits it's 1st Amendment rights and as members, you waive your constitutional rights. The Articles say you will obey ALL laws and FUTURE LAWS. So as a member, if the state says all members of the church are required to register or turn in their weapons, you must comply. The 501c3 sold its independence for tax advantages and the pastor gets special tax treatment.
So to answer the question, "What can we do", I would suggest that since the church you go to is not the same one your grandparents went to or is not the same one that was originally established, leave, it left you, you leave it.
Why would you forsake your Constitutional rights just to belong to a church that at some point decided to become a state church?????? Find folks of kindred spirit and worship with them.
Shame on you 501c3 pastors that continue to act the whore and some of you are in violation of the Civil Rights Act by not allowing women to have positions of leadership. I thought you believe render untor Caesar.
There's a church in Hudson Falls and one in Queensbury that are breaking the law. Should we name them?? You teach render unto Caesar and then won't yourselves?? How do you spell hypocrite??
PS, a few more things you can do to resist tyranny. Home school, refuse the dangerous flu shots and other mercury based vaccinations, learn your rights and know how to use them, become a Rosa Parks, the woman who refused to sit in the back of the bus. Learn about your jury rights, . The Supreme Court has ruled, you are NOT required to obey an unconstitutional law no matter what your state church tells you.
God bless America and damn you traitorist politicians and tory "ministers".