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David Bowie attacks Jesus and the Satanic Catholic Church

The Unhived Mind

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May 9, 2013 9:09 pm theunhivedmind 1 Comment

David Bowie – The Next Day

David Bowie – The Next Day from Gluver on Vimeo.

theunhivedmind on May 9, 2013 at 9:13 pm said:

It is interesting that we see an Opus Dei member whipping himself since if I recall David Bowie is a member of this very cult which serves the Jesuit Order. The Catholic Church is the continuation of Babylon and nothing more than Satan worship. Nimrod of Babylon worshiped El which is Satan or the planet Saturn. Italy in ancient times was known as Saturnia. The Catholic version of Jesus is nothing more than the wicked Cesare Borgia. Opus Dei is connected to the secretive, San Rocco cult in Venice.

-= The Unhived Mind