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Notice as usual that Queen Elizabeth II was present at the annual Chelsea flower show. First of all the name Chelsea is a combination of both chel and sea if we split it into two pieces. The sea is worship of both Venus and her mother the Moon which usually represent the feminine although in truth they are hermaphrodites. The French originated Freemasonic gift to the U.S. called The Statute of Liberty is actually a hermaphrodite. Look at The Statue of Liberty’s muscular frame and neck, this is not of the body of a true feminine. Chel is an ancient Mayan name for the Moon which satellites this planet Earth whilst also controlling our oceans tides.

The powers over this world all stem from the ocean meaning both religious power and financial power. The ecclesiastical powers of the Roman Catholic Church all come from the sea. The Pope is the fish god known as Dagon and if we place the letter ‘r’ into that word we get dragon, if you know the true meaning of Vatican you will know it is the divine dragon. The Catholic Church idol worship of Mary is nothing more than Moon and sea worship, the name is connected with maritime for instance. All life is born from and needs water, you were born via your feminine mother’s birth canal and her waters of life. Nothing lives without water or the rays of the Sun. The financial power stems from the organization of finance which started with the Phoenicians of Phoenicia (Canaan). This region was the greatest civilization far greater than the hyped Egyptian civilization. The Phoenicians created what some today would term the law of the high seas. The Roman Empire took on this financial system and improved it. The Vatican continuation of the Roman Empire then perfected this system and based it upon Vatican Canon Law. This is what some may know today as Maritime Admiralty law which works through Roman civil law which now usurps all Common Law jurisdictions since 1933. The financial system is managed for the Vatican by the Order of Malta, Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem and the Opus Dei. The central command over world finance is The City of London through the Livery companies under the City of London Corporation ruled by a powerful Kingship known as the Lord’s Mayor of London. The Rothschild family are part of this Vatican financial system and this family is a guardian of the Vatican Treasury since the alliance with the Jesuits who were suppressed by the Pope. If you want to know the real financiers then you have to look to hidden Italian bankers such as the Pallavicini family and the Fondi. The Pallavicini were running the finances of Britain going back into Queen Elizabeth I and they have a scion with the Cromwell’s.

Money is the Moon eye and also has ties to Jupiter the breeder of the Moon and father of Venus. Jupiter is of course the Saint Peter and we all known how much the Roman Empire worshiped Jupiter. The Egyptians worshiped Jupiter too as Ptah-Rekh and this is where we get the name Peter and Patrick from. Interesting when you think about all the catholic men in Ireland mostly picking this Patrick name huh? The U.S. dollar is even worship of these Gods. How? Well they first of all lay the blue ink of the Moon (sea) then they create a generative principle sexual union by laying the yellow ink of Jupiter (Baal) on top. The combination of these two colors then gives us the offspring of green ink of Venus. May I remind you that one of the names for Venus is Aphrodite, if we add Mercury (Hermes) to Venus we have the hermaphrodite.

So what do we see in the picture above with Dame of Malta Elizabeth II (house of Guelph financiers)? We first of all see she as the feminine walks over the phallus (yod) into the feminine circle (yoni). The circle represents Venus and her mother the Moon. A circle comes from the root of five being the arc or the contract in other words Lucifer the light bringer. A circle is not seen as perfection since it is hard to build with circles, you would have gaps in between any wall made from circles. An example of this was old fashioned cathode-ray television sets for the home made up of circular pixels. How was this improved upon for computer monitors? The circular pixels were squared which leaves no gaps when building up, this was eventually improved by the method of using diamonds as in the technology by Mitsubishi with the Diamond-tron screens. You will notice that the circle is surrounded by water and plants (life) and that this circular platform is squared.

The square represents the root of two and is the masculine. The square is the representation of perfection and the planet Saturn. A square is two dimensional which is not perfection until it is in three dimensions when it becomes a six-sided cube. Have you noticed at graduations that the graduates where the cloaks and mortars which are usually black to represent the planet Saturn? The mortar board is the perfecting of the round head by Saturn in order to build upon its knowledge. The graduates then throw their mortar into the air towards the celestial heavens in a ritual to the planet Saturn. Even the mortar board originates with the Biretta of the catholics. As the mortal starts to fall back down the tassel then raises up which symbolizes the erect phallus or generative force. This is the erect penis entering the sky or hair of Venus. Lucifer is the prince (hermaphrodite masculine side) of the air, he is also the god of the rainbow. This is why the gay community use a rainbow flag! If you look at the symbol used on electrical appliances for the power button you will see the circle with the line coming out, as you press this switch you create the orgasmic power and life within the product. Look closely again at the picture of the Queen and this is what you are seeing here. It is all ancient symbolism thrown out in plain sight since the masses are too profane to understand its real meaning. Almost all of what you witness on television broadcasts and media events like this are staged for ritual and purpose.

The British Queen is a Princess of the new Holy Roman Empire just as King George III (Elector) was a Prince of this Empire. What you are not made away of is that this Dame of Malta is a very high Priestess in witchcraft with her own powerful covens. Please study her Order of the Garter and its occult connection to witchcraft and witches. Ask yourself why two of the three real Necronomicon books exist in Britain, one in Scotland and the other in England with the Rothschild family. The third exists in Russia! The energies given off in the region of Britain are prime for witchcraft rituals and the use of the Djinn spirit world. The world you thought you knew is a very different place to the hidden world which surrounds you and controls you. The planet Earth is dominated by the fallen angel of Lucifer and not by God.

The Moon exited the constellation of Virgo and entered the constellation of Libra at 6:08pm for those interested. You might also find it interesting that on the 22nd of May you will have the Moon entering the dreaded constellation of Scorpio at 8:56pm.