X-Factor 2013 Satanism in full show to the initiated
The Unhived Mind
I was the first to highlight the evidence that Simon Cowell is a Freemason after I quickly spotted a few pictures of him on his jet-ski. If you take a close look at the front of the jet-ski you can see the logo of the Freemasons. Simon Cowell is a worshipper of the false-god of the rainbow called Lucifer, the hermaphrodite deity based on Venus. Is it any wonder his name is Simon? Remove the ‘M’ and you have Sion where most today replace this with Zion. If you break the name Simon down to si and mon you have the masculine of the Sun with the feminine of the Moon. At the highest levels of Freemasonry you will find it is all about the worship of the hermaphrodite. The Statue of Liberty was given to America by French Freemasons, if you look at it hard enough it is quite obvious it is not feminine. The Statue of Liberty is a hermaphrodite, look at the muscular neck for a clue.