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FW:  Sept. 6, 2013

[The hand sign for the followers of Evil, possibly the main sign for Reptoids. The Horned Hand or "Cornuto" represents the Devil, Satan. It is similar to the sign for I Love you, but Helen Keller, who developed sign language, was into Theosophy (founded by Satanist Blavatsky), the satanic group that Krishnamurti rejected, so it actually means 'I Love You Satan'. Who would pick a very old satanic sign as the sign for I Love You?  Hardly coincidental unless you believe in the tooth fairy.  It was popularized in the late sixties by the founder of the Church of Satan Anton LaVey and later was passed on to the masses by the rock musicians who were into Satanism. They displayed the sign on the stage and the crowd mimicked them without knowing what it actually means. Now many people think that this hand sign means "rock" Likewise the The "V" Sign  has a good cover.  The US Presidents do the same hand sign as serial killer Ramirez, all Pirate Captains.]

Hand sign: Music

See: 666 hand sign Polygon iris  Reptile eyes (slits)  Reptoids  



   Too much Satan for one hand


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Quotes [Symbol quotes  Symbol quotes (specific)]

"That is an old, well known greeting of one Satanist to another. Usually, the Illuminists are a lot more subtle and don't do that publicly."----Svali

Mano Cornuto, a sign of recognition between and allegiance of Lucifer's servants'. - The Satanic Bible

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