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April 6. 2016


As we have discussed in a previous article (“Grand Lodge of Masons Buy Full Page Ad to Welcome Pope Francis”), Christianity and Freemasonry are incompatible.  Various popes have condemned this secretive occult organization, and for good reason.  Many of its members (in the lower ranks) are simply not aware of the true purpose of the organization.  At its highest levels, however, Freemasonry is devil worship.   Pope Leo XIII called it “the synagogue of Satan”.

Freemasonry is a Satanic religion in disguise.  The Popes knew the real nature of freemasonry.  Aside from the numerous testimonies from former masons, one of the more accurate sources was the seizure by Pope Gregory XVI of documents from the masonic lodge known as “Alta Vendita”. The documents were later on published in a book, and disseminated through various lectures.


Satan, the “horned god” of freemasons.  The goat and ram head are greatly revered in Satanism and witchcraft; a mockery of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.