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Beto Pulls The Mask Off Democrats – Admits They Want To Take Churches’ Constitutional Rights If They Support Traditional Marriage

Adam Casalino

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Democrats are fuming after Beto let it slip out – they’re not supposed to say it out loud!

Robert Francis O’Rourke (I refuse to call him “Beto”) is trailing in the polls. In fact, it looks like he won’t even make it to the next debate due to a lack of support.

But for some reason, he’s still holding on. I mean, he can’t even get enough support from his home state (who rejected him for Senator), yet he thinks he can become president.

His latest desperate stab at liberal acceptance includes a gun confiscation policy that would destroy our Second Amendment.

Apparently, that’s not even enough. Now, he’s going after our First Amendment freedoms. He wants to go after churches and religious groups that don’t agree with woke liberals.

And he just pulled the mask on Democrats’ end goal.

From Twitter:


“Beto stuns, claims churches, colleges and universities should lose their tax-exempt status if they oppose same-sex marriage.”

Wow, can you believe he let it slip out!. Is O’Rourke so desperate for approval by liberals that he’d expose their endgame of taking away religious freedom?

That’s what he is saying in this video. He is demanding churches to betray their own values or else be punished by the government.


Sounds a lot like communist China to me!

If churches lose their tax-exempt status, it’s a slippery slope into greater forms of government control and oppression.

They could even be attacked through anti-discrimination laws. And then just be shut down for good.

That seems to be O’Rourke’s endgame here. He thinks the rights of a very small group of people trump the rights of every religious person.

And it seems like he’s just singling out Christians.

You know, the religious group that makes up the majority in America?

This is a lot like that infamous quote from Obama, when he went after average Americans for “clinging to their guns and religion.”

Hmm, the more we hear the left’s real attitude towards us, the more we it sounds like they are the intolerant ones, not us.