Response: Peak Oil Lie - US Has Utterly Giant Oil Reserves Various Sources 2-25-9 (Rense)
I really must respond to your article, Peak Oil Lie - US Has Utterly Giant Oil Reserves Various Sources 2-25-9, although I know you don't publish responses. Maybe you can pass this on to the "various sources."
To those people getting excited because we have huge unexploited oil fields in the US, I say: So what?
After years of environmental and health research, it is very clear to me that petroleum (oil) is the single most poisonous substance on this planet, and is directly tied to the global poisoning of this planet's air, water, soil, food, and biological life -- which means you and your children, which has happened very quickly -- in a single human generation, 70 years. This is The Age of Petroleum. This is the time span in which all alternative, free, clean energy sources have been suppressed, consistently and violently.
The point is, it doesn't matter how much oil we have or where it's located. Sometimes you back the wrong horse. Petroleum (oil) is the wrong horse. From the 1940s onward the whole world has been suckered into using this poison. We fight wars over this stuff. We design everything to run on this stuff, to the detriment of the entire planet and ourselves. It's time to move on! Leave the oil in the ground and move on into a better future.
This comment isn't about global warming, economics, jobs, the auto industry, wealth, or independence. It's about insanity. It's about global poisoning -- which sounds pretty insane to me that anyone would knowingly choose such a thing -- primarily from the industrial and consumer use of petroleum (oil) products. The research shows that petroleum (oil) is poisonous in all its forms. We need to stop using this stuff entirely, not continue to get excited about finding more oil fields. Those are fields of death.
Over half of the petroleum (oil) the US uses is industrial - petrochemicals, all deadly in every form and in every process in which they are used.
Research shows that our children are being born poisoned -- with up to 200 separate, identifiable unnatural, manmade chemical residues in the blood of newborns. Any one of us, if tested right now, will also show multiple unnatural chemical residues in our blood. This is just from being alive on this planet at this time in this global petroleum (oil) society. These chemicals, being totally alien to our biology, do not contribute to our health. They make us sick. How sane is this?
Follow the statistics: The vast majority of the chemical residues in our blood, whether measured as pesticides or other contaminants, are derived from petroleum (oil). Every aspect of petroleum (oil) makes us sick, and yet it is used everywhere, and it's increasingly in everything.
Follow the statistics: 70% of the contamination of rainwater runoff comes from petroleum (oil), in the form of leaked gas and oil. The soil and water is polluted. The environment is unhealthy. All of this is fed back to us in our food chain and the water we drink, contributing to our ill health.
Then you've got all your new degenerative neurological conditions which science "can't explain," although we fill our environment with neurotoxins which we call pesticides, mostly derived from petroleum (oil).
You've got a floating island of plastic debris in the Pacific Ocean that some say is as big as Texas. Some say it's twice as big as Texas or even bigger than the continental US. This is petroleum (oil), in the form of plastics. What are you gonna do about this? Are they gonna clean it up? No, not that I've heard. Are they gonna stop making plastics? No, not that I've heard. This is your petroleum (oil) industry at work! There is a HUGE web of petroleum-linked industries and products poisoning this planet.
Does any of this tell you anything at all? Or are you just still looking for a quick buck, more jobs, more petroleum-burning automobiles? What's the point?
More petroleum statistics: The proven outgassing characteristic of various plastics, which accumulate harmful petrochemicals (oil derivatives) in the body, disrupting natural biological function. It makes us sick. But we buy these products and take them home because everything is made of plastic nowadays and nobody tells us the truth or provides anything else in our controlled marketplace. Plastic is Petroleum (oil).
Our homes, schools, work places, cars are filled with plastics. This is petroleum (oil). Get rid of all the plastics in those environments and you'll have nothing left. No phones, Blackberries, computers, CDs, desks, walls, modern vehicles.
Any fire in any modern structure releases killer compounds into the air, just from the plastics alone. This is petroleum (oil) in its deadly burning plastic form.
Half the clothing in the world will disappear if you stop using petroleum (oil) as the raw material for fabrics, and this would be a good thing, as those fabrics don't breathe, which we have known for forever.
All the fake wood, fake ceramics, fake glass, and fake metal would disappear, and this would be a good thing too, as there is no way to dispose of those things on this planet in a way that is beneficial to us or any living thing..
We have been sold a bill of goods about petroleum (oil) and its usefulness. How useful is it when every use it's put to makes us sick?
You are apparently willing to trade your health, your children's' health, and planetary health for these wonderful new oil fields so you can continue this poisonous culture. We've short-term thought (not so short, really, 70 years) ourselves into a corner -- or have been forced there by the powers behind this poisonous industry, and we have gladly cooperated in our own poisoning because nobody tells us the truth.
You gave up cigarettes because they harm your health. And yet you breathe the air? Petroleum-burning vehicles should be banned everywhere. They proved it in Beijing during the Olympics.
No matter the cost per barrel, the price is too high and thinking in terms of cost per barrel is thinking too narrowly to move this planet in the direction it needs to go, if we want to clean up the cesspool we've made here.
You know, guys, this place could be a paradise instead of a cesspool if they'd stop killing off all the alternative energy people and let us have clean air, clean water, and real food again, and stop poisoning us with this petroleum scam.
How did all our eggs get put into this one particular basket? We really MUST become sane as a planetary society and move on. You can't claim ignorance anymore.
Sick and Tired of this Old World Thinking