Gulf oil whistleblower, renewable energy guru Matt Simmons RIP (videos)
DEborah Dupre, Human Rights Examiner
Due to his high-profile exposure of lies, deceit, corruption and violence of the PMIC as its strongest critic, including calling the TV performances involving the well and capping efforts a "sham," there is speculation that Simmons' death was not a natural one. Such speculation is particularly strong among other whistleblowers and targeted individuals who know first-hand what it is like to be covertly harassed and assaulted. (See: Dupre, D. Human Rights Examiner: Targeted Individuals)
It is reported that Simmons' cause of death was drowning in his hot tub and/or heart attack, a common cause of whistleblower deaths.
Being publicly discredited for speaking truth as Simmons was is also a typical tactic applied to targets, dating back to Cointelpro early days.
As world renown expert on oil and its industry, thus knowing what the future holds for the Deep South population in terms of oil-related ill-health and suffering, Simmons advocated for evacuation after the Gulf explosion. Heading his call for evacuation soon after the explosion would have helped prevent the ongoing chemical and radiation poisoning of the thousands of children and adults now being poorly treated. It would have helped prevent the "heavy resident death toll" Simmons predicted.
Instead, no survival aid was forthcoming and media frequently bully-called Simmons "Mr. Doom."
Renwable energy vision for peace
Just as Rudolph Diesel understood power of oil and survival needs of the people, the Simmons understood oil and its impact on humanity. Both of these visionaries worked to remove power from the petrochemical-military-industrial complex and return that power back to the common man and woman through renewable energy. They both met untimely deaths.
Hundreds of scientists agree that if more communities and their leaders understood the viability of using alternative energy technology existent today and coordinated to establish it according to unique community needs and resources, the dirty, dangerous, corrupt crude oil kingpins would have less capacity to continue destroying the planet and people for their leaders' imperialist profits.
Focusing on renewable energy and needs of the people instead of focusing on the PMIC and its needs would create less need for the military. Military's never-ending supply of new high-tech weapons and war crimes would begin to cease. The U.S. could regain love and trust of people globally if the millions of Americans employed to make weapons, including weapons of mass destruction, were instead making wind and water turbines for energy, vertical farm energy centers and other safe, humane energy resources. Simmons was sponsoring such initiatives in Maine.
Of all the powerful people, from the President and First Lady to other high-level government and oil leaders watching death and destruction of the Gulf oil catastrophe, it was Simmons who established a college fund for children of the 11 oil workers killed in the Gulf explosion crime. It was his wish that this initiative be highlighted for greater support of those children otherwise forgotten and forsaken, as the PMIC - BP government has proven to do to with all the children and their parents still surviving Gulf operation poisoning.
Blowing the whistle on the PMIC Disinformation campaign's 'no oil found', 'no health problems here' and 'come swim in the Gulf waters and eat the Gulf seafood,' Simmons prompted thousands of people to research and agree with his analysis.
Only days before Simmons death, a land surveyor demonstrated with public documents that there are two exploratory wells and the one that major TV networks continually showed the public was not the one actually gushing, as Simmons has repeatedly explained. (See: Dupre, D. Breaking Gulf news: Land Surveyor proves Simmons right. TV well sham, Examiner, August 6, 2010) The following is a comment left on this Examiner site after that article:
"I tried to verify Land Surveyors information and checked the initial exploration plan. I can confirm what he [Land Surveyor] shows us in his videos. I advise everyone, who doubts this information, to read the plan for himself. Since I cannot post the direct link - google: gomr bp initial exploration plan Mississippi Canyon Block 252 (the pdf file takes some time to load). On page 8 the proposed activity is listed: Well location “A”: Start Date 04/15/2009; End Date 07/24/2009 Well location “B”: Start Date 04/15/2010; End Date 07/24/2010 The Deepwater Horizon oil spill happened on the 20th April of 2010. The coordinates for well “A” are: X: 1202,803.88' Y: 10,431,617.00' The coordinates for well “B” are: X: 1202,514.00' Y: 10,431,494.00' Countless youtube videos of the remotely operated vehicles (ROV) show, that the ROV operated much closer to well A, than to well B."
Another commenter of that same article asked, "Does anyone appreciate the full significance of these findings?"
Simmons is survived by his wife, Ellen, and their five daughters.
Although Simmons was founder and chairman emeritus of Simmons & Company International and prominent advocate of peak oil, many will remember him mainly as a brave humanitarian who worked to bring peace to earth.
Deborah Dupré, with post-graduate science and education degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, has been a human and environmental rights advocate for over 25 years in the U.S., Vanuatu and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only the first paragraph with title linked to this Examiner page. See Dupré's Vaccine Liberty or Death book plus her Compassion Film Project DVDs.
Posted Aug. 19, 2010