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Democrats Stonewalling on Power Grid Collapse?

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to mention possible in the 21st century, is rendered inoperable.

What on earth am I talking about?

I’m talking about an event so terrible – with consequences so widespread and devastating – that it’s no exaggeration to say that if it happens, life as we know it would come to a screeching halt. Many experts believe such a catastrophic event is just around the corner, and could happen at any moment between now and 2013. What are they talking about? The collapse of the US power grid. We’re not talking about a few hours, days, or even weeks, the collapse like the one experts are warning about would last as long as ten years

Take a minute to ponder what that would mean to you, your loved ones, and all of society. Chilling, isn’t it?

Can we stop it? Yes.

Will it be expensive? No. The cost to prevent it? Just a billion dollars. One billion. In these days of multi-billion dollar bailouts and repeated stimulus packages, that’s chump change.

But thanks to the Democratic-controlled Senate, it’s looking less likely every single day that anything will be done to prevent this unthinkable catastrophe.

My name is Brian Brawdy, and you may have seen me on Fox News, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, or the CW, talking about emergency preparedness and survival in both urban and wilderness settings. As a former military weapons and survival expert, I’m trained to survive extreme scenarios of all kinds. There isn’t a whole lot that scares me anymore. But when I read about this particular threat, I’ll be honest – it gave me some sleepless nights. This is extremely serious stuff … except that our President and Democratic-controlled Senate don’t seem to be taking it very seriously. I hope you will.

Last year, the Grid Reliability and Infrastructure Defense Act, or GRID Act, which would have required a modest investment to protect the grid from major threats, was passed unanimously in the House of Representatives. But the Senate refused to even consider it. Democratic Senators continue to stonewall to this day.

Perhaps they’re ignoring the warning signs because it’s the conservative Heritage Foundation that sounded the alarm. In a warning issued to President Obama, the Heritage Foundation reported, “Water, sewer, and electrical networks would fail. … Food would rot, medical services collapse, and transportation would become almost non-existent.” Democratic Senators are even ignoring the findings of a special commission that Congress itself created to investigate this threat. The findings of the commission, by the way, are chilling: “Within 12 months [of this event], between two thirds to 90% of the U.S. population will be dead.”

Now, only a massive education campaign to make Americans aware of this threat can save us. That’s why we’re offering, absolutely free of charge, a 34-page special report: Black Out: The Top 11 Threats to the Power Grid. To get your free report, click here. It’s available for instant download.

In this groundbreaking report, you’ll learn about the two threats that could bring the entire power grid crashing down and damage it so severely that it would take up to a decade to restore. One of those threats is manmade, and the other is natural. Both are equally devastating, and could be right around the corner. And that’s only two threats. This report reveals nine more that most Americans are completely unaware of. If you’ve ever taken electricity for granted, you won’t after reading this report.

I urge you to download this free report immediately. For more information, go to

Be well,

Brian Brawdy

Team Leader, Emergency Preparedness and Response Division

Solutions From Science

Black Out: The Top 11 Threats to the Power Grid

Available instantly just for signing up! Black Out: The Top 11 Threats to the Power Grid is available in both a 34-page PDF eBook as well as a downloadable MP3 audiobook. This report reveals nine more that most Americans are completely unaware of. If you’ve ever taken electricity for granted, you won’t after reading this report. Sign Up Now ›

March 13, 2011