What's A Megaload? ~ The Sickening Revelations
Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.
The following videos will apprise you of their 'doings':

Alberta government admits that every day 2.5 to 10 million barrels of precious fresh water is used and rendered useless in Alberta Canada to produce the dirtiest oil on Earth.

- Oil sands mining is licensed to use twice the amount of fresh water that the entire city of Calgary uses in a year.
- At least 90% of the fresh water used in the oil sands ends up in the tailing ponds so toxic that propane cannons are used to keep ducks from landing.
- Processing the oil sands uses enough natural gas in a day to heat 3 million homes.
- The toxic tailing ponds are considered one of the largest human-made structures in the world. -The ponds span 50 square kilometers and can be seen from space.
- Producing a barrel of oil from the oil sands produces three times more greenhouse gas emissions than a barrel of conventional oil.
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In their book: Black Gold Stranglehold: The myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil, Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. and Craig R. Smith "expose the fraudulent science that has been sold to the American people in order to enslave them . . . " The authors provide substantive evidence that the oil is NOT a fossil fuel (i.e., abiotic), which is constantly being produced and stored by the earth itself until it is "brought to attainable depths by the centrifugal force of the earth's rotation".
In support of the their book, Corsi reports that Discovery backs theory oil not 'fossil fuel': New evidence supports premise the Earth produces endless supply in an article found here. These facts have appeared in scientific journals over the years. As for WHY we do not know about the abundance of oil, read on . . . |

Because he was granted ‘executive’ status as a Chaplain, Mr. Williams was given access to the information that is documented in his books. In the video he discusses: How America is not being run by her elected officials; you will learn who really controls our nation; he will reveal to you whether or not we’re truly a Republic or if we’re an autocracy or a bureaucracy, or even a nation of tyranny. Has our Republic been seduced? Watch, listen and learn the shocking truth! watch video >>

The following is a four part documentary revealing what has already happened as a result of the tar sands extraction. It is a portender of the future. The enormous environmental destruction, is WAY BEYOND obscene.
"The small town of Fort Chipewyan in northern Alberta is facing the consequences of being the first to witness the impact of the Tar Sands project, which may be the tipping point for oil development in Canada. Gripped in a Faustian pact with the American energy consumer, the Canadian government is doing everything it can to protect the dirtiest oil project ever known. In the following account, filmmaker Tom Radford describes witnessing a David and Goliath struggle. "
"Filmmakers: Niobe Thompson and Tom Radford . . . Published with permission from Al Jazeera under their Creative Commons license. Al Jazeera is ranked by brandchannel.com as the most impactful television broadcast news brand globally. As a result of its expansion and the creation of new channels and services, transforming its operation into an international media corporation. Al Jazeera does not endorse any other content on this channel."
Isn't it sad beyond words, that we must turn to a foreign news service to learn the truth?
Dirty Oil 1-4 To the Last Drop - Canada News Net
FACTS About 'Global Warming' the MSM Doesn't Want YOU to Know!

Hint . . . Sun Flares or Sun Spots are responsible for global changes. The more sun spots the warmer it gets here on earth, the fewer the sun flares the cooler it gets.
Opponents of the global warming hoax have tried repeatedly to get a debate going so they can refute the LIES being generated in support of the UN program to foist a money making 'carbon tax' on the world. The UK is the first country to jump on board and declare themselves a 'green country'. They intend to tax their citizen's 'carbon emissions' by policing the INTERIOR of their homes to check for 'violators'. When found they will 'fine' them and steal even MORE of their money.
The controlled main stream media refuses to allow dissenters to appear, and the UN's IPPC has stated that 'the global warming debate is over!' Now, 30,000 scientists, including 9000 Ph.D.s, have signed up to debunk the global warming hoax but cannot invoke a debate anywhere. So, in order to be heard, John Coleman, the founder of the Weather Channel, believes the only solution is to sue their 'leader' Al Gore for fraud. (5+ minutes) watch video >>
Read also: Scores of Top Scientists Expose the Global Warming Myth by G. Edward Griffin, 3/19/07 here.

TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline - Marty Cobenais, Pipeline Campaigner for IEN --- Webcast: 4 of 9

2-18-10 Keystone XL-Get the Facts
12-22-10 TransCanada responds to questions over tar sands pipeline safety http://www.kcentv.com/story/13730232/transcanada-responds-to-questions-over-tar-sands-pipline-safety

8-22-11 TransCanada Pipeline Background and Resources
9-3-11 U.S. Awash in Oil and Lies, Report Charges
"The pipeline will cut across 92 miles of the Sandhills and 250 miles of farm and ranch land. The counties it would cross are Keya Paha, Rock, Holt, Garfield, Wheeler, Greeley, Boone, Nance, Merrick, Saline, Jefferson, Hamilton, York and Fillmore. There are over 1,000 groundwater wells in the pipeline path and countless more smaller wells and seasonal surface water bodies."
"Nebraska has NO regulations and no state agency to govern oil pipelines." http://tarsandspipelines.wordpress.com
National Geographic bloggers weigh in: The Keystone XL Pipeline: A Tar Sands Folly? (7-26-11) http://www.greatenergychallengeblog.com/blog/2011/07/26/xl-keystone/ AN EXCELLENT SUMMATION!
The story starts with western Canada’s tar sands — also known colloquially as oil sands. The stuff is a far cry from what we normally think of as oil. First, the bitumen — a heavy viscous, tar-like hydrocarbon locked up in these deposits — is extracted. If mined, it’s separated from mining clay and sand, then “upgraded” and diluted so it can “flow” like oil.
Tar sand oil generally receives a low rating among environmentalists for energy sources.
- It’s among the dirtiest of petroleum fuels when it comes to greenhouse gases; and
- Bitumen extraction is energy- and water-intensive.
In fact, bitumen extraction has significantly degraded Canada’s boreal forests and created vast wastelands of tailing ponds that have been linked to river contamination. (See here and here.)
But Canada’s got lots of tar sands and we need lots of oil, so there’s strong desire to move the stuff to American refineries and ultimately into our cars. How? In a word, Keystone.
The Keystone XL represents the final two phases of a $13 billion, 3,800-mile pipeline system owned and operated by TransCanada. (See map and description.) Its proposed U.S. path would enter Montana and cut across South Dakota and Nebraska before joining with Phase II in Steel City, Kansas — crossing some of our wildest and most productive lands, including our agricultural heartland and the Ogallala Aquifer, which supports a huge part of our nation’s breadbasket.

"Cleanup and assessment efforts continue in Montana after a July 1 pipeline rupture that sent crude oil gushing into the Yellowstone River. On Tuesday, Montana’s environmental agency said that oil was found on 60 percent of the inspected shoreline. The state also said that the spill released 1,200 barrels into the river, up from Silvertip pipeline operator ExxonMobil’s estimate of 1,000 barrels. The company has completed initial cleanup work on four of the 25 identified spill sites, according to the EPA."
"The effects of the rupture are trickling beyond the spill region: It is being cited by opponents of plans to expand TransCanada’s controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline."
Canadians and Americans need to wake up, pay attention, and educate themselves by understanding what is going on and share that knowledge with others. Most importantly . . . we ALL need to FIGHT BACK against the most obscene trashing of our environment and its MASSIVE threats to our health.
Exxon Mobil Corporation
5959 Las Colinas Blvd.
Irving, TX 75039
William W. George
Exxon Board of Directors
(617) 496-6517
Brian Schweitzer
Governor's Office
State of Montana
'Butch' Otter
Governor's Office
State of Idaho
Oct. 3, 2011