Rossi in Talks With Home Depot For E-Cat Distribution — Interview With James Martinez on Ca$h Flow Radio
Jan. 1, 2012
James Martinez, host of Ca$h Flow radio conducted an hour-long radio interview with Andrea Rossi on December 29th, 2011 in which many topics connected with his work on the E-Cat were discussed. He discusses the plans to produce low-cost E-Cat units, and says that the cost of the E-Cat will be so low that it will be able to pay for itself in a few months.
When asked how much it will cost to get an E-Cat, and where people will be able to get one, Rossi says the target price will be between $1000 and $1500 for an E-Cat with the power output between 10 and 20 kW which will be able to provide heat and air conditioning for the average home. He says that the cost of the fuel for the E-Cat will be about one sixth of the cost of average heating and cooling the average home.
Rossi says they are getting very advanced in organizing the production technology to produce one million E-Cats, and he expects the production will begin in Autumn this year. He is organizing a network that will cover all the world with the center of production being the United States and states that ““We are in talks with Home Depot for the diffusion”.
Rossi talks extensively about how he does not worry about all the controversy surrounding his work — that he finds that he must concentrate on the work at hand and not get involved in dealing with the skepticism that surrounds it.
Rossi explains that Leonardo Corporation will communicate with local contractors to provide instructions on how to install E-Cat plants, and those contractors who wish to will be able to sign up to be certified technicians for installing E-Cats. Rossi also says that he is running test E-Cat units in his own home and in the homes of members of his team.
The interview can be heard here.