Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
May 11, 2012 -- Today, the New Energy Systems Trust (NEST), an international organization with slogan: "Networking to bring the best exotic free energy technologies to market", announced that their website, is now live. The site is hosted in Germany and maintained by Anton Cloete of Merit Computers in S. Africa, with graphics design by Jim Rodney of California, who designed the 5-kilowatt E-Cat case seen in so many stories around the world about a breakthrough cold fusion technology prepping for commercial roll-out next year.
The NEST mission statement reads:
The New Energy Systems Trust is an association for matching up the best exotic free energy technologies, business professional services, financing, licensees, and customers (which includes everyone). We are preemptively setting up a network to help facilitate the rapid emergence into the marketplace of breakthrough, affordable, clean energy technologies. The emergence of these devices can empower the individual, remove our dependence on oil and other polluting energy sources and corrupt political systems, create jobs, and inspire hope for a peaceful, sustainable future in which we can thrive in harmony with the earth.
The primary purpose of the site is to assist in this networking function by collecting applications or submissions from inventors, investors, professional service providers, licensees, customers, and job services. "We want to be the watering hole where people meet up and find ways to help each other out," said NEST President, Sterling D. Allan of Utah, USA. His decade-old free energy news and directory service (,,, has been the premier destination for educating the planet about the many exciting breakthroughs now nearing market readiness.
"We are to free energy inventors what an agent is to an athlete or movie star," said NEST vice president, Ray Jennings, who serves as an attorney in Massachusetts. "We can introduce them to the talent, opportunities, and resources needed to play their best."
Another NEST officer, Chip Paul, a businessman and caregiver in Oklahoma, emphasizes: "NEST is a socially motivated organization, seeking to help bring about a vastly better world by empowering individuals worldwide with affordable, distributed, environmentally responsible energy."
Already, in the first few days since their founding on May 1, in addition to the leading technologies they already had on their radar from PESN's listing, they've had three additional major breakthroughs brought to their attention, any one of which is a game-changer in terms of providing clean, affordable power.
The first isn't really "exotic," being grid-parity solar power, though it's huge in the world of conventional renewable energy. SHEC Labs in Saskatoon, Canada, is filing patents for a solar thermal system that is able to store the solar energy via a thermal gradient, in a cost-effective way to bring the price of solar down into the same level as conventional utility power. PESN reported on this on May 8 and the role NEST played in connecting them to a large purchase opportunity.
Another is a 2.5-kW solid state generator out of Uganda, the size of a laptop. "That's enough power for a house if there were battery storage to handle peak loads", said Dr. Richard P. George, in charge of NEST's coordinating of professional services to help inventors. "Or you could just combine enough modules (around four) to handle peak load on the typical US home." The inventor seeks help filing patents, after NEST confirms the claim.
The third is an HHO technology that does amazing things to engine mileage, emissions, horsepower and performance, to levels previously unheard of -- in any industry -- with a quick payback period. Though they are well connected, intelligent, and professional, they are also interested in seeing how NEST might help bring their technology to market. NEST inventor coordinator, and former aerospace engineer, James Schmidt of Colorado said: "If we told you what we've had reported to us, you wouldn't believe it, but they have university-derived dynamometer evidence to back up their claims, which they actually downplay." "We heard about it from one of their customers," added Keith Kowalczyk, a screenwriter from Hollywood who will be running NEST's Facebook page as well as writing for us here at PESN. He wants to install one on one of his muscle cars as part of PESN's coverage.
Kathleen Smith, also of Colorado, is NEST’s Customers Administrator coordinating the registering of a database of customers that these breakthrough companies can refer to in their business plans. Kathleen states that these emerging technologies will be the catalyst to transform our planet into a thriving, abundant world.
Ludovid (Lewis) Kulcsar of Croatia, presently involved in a major solar installation in the U.K., is spearheading NEST's organization of licensees from around the world, to have them pre-screened and networked, ready to go when a technology is to the point of being ready to license. He presented the most professional proposal among about 200 groups who responded to a recent possible licensing opportunity for a 5 kW home generator system out of S. Africa, which requires no fuel. That "fuel free generator" is presently being withdrawn for additional modifications due to some limitations discovered during alpha testing.
"Life is sure to have plenty of excitement and fulfillment if you decide to come on as a volunteer with the possibility of this turning into a career opportunity," said Dan Ecklund, MD, who recently joined in the NEST administration to assist with investors and strategy, along with his fellow Trustee, Joel Segurola, both in Ecuador, from the closely aligned Global Genius Trust. "Anyone who wants to help can find things to do to help bring these technologies forward to benefit the entire planet."
"The New Energy Systems Trust can be the catalyst to bring the free energy renaissance that the planet has been waiting for to fruition," said NEST trustee, Mike Upstone, a former top 100 corporate advisor in London. Dovetailing with the work of Global Genius Trust, Upstone is setting up a global trust to network all breakthrough alternatives in banking, health, building, economy, community, and energy.
A Few Loose Ends
As might be expected in something like this, there are a few loose ends that will need to be addressed in the coming days, so your patience is appreciated.
- There is a delay time in opening pages. Haven't figured out why yet.
- The site doesn't load if the "www" is not included. Should be an easy fix.
- Soon, each of the "Niche" pages will have submission forms to take information from inventors, investors, professional service providers, licensees, customers, jobs providers/seekers.
- A FAQ page is forthcoming.
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NEST Media Contact:
Chip Paul
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Other PES Coverage
- New Energy Systems Trust (NEST) Website Launched (PESN; May 11, 2012)
- NEST Lines up Grid-Parity Solar (PESN; May 8, 2012)
- NEST logo contest voting (PESN; May 8, 2012)
- New Energy Systems Trust (NEST) launched (PESN; May 4, 2012)
- New Energy Systems Trust Launch Pending (PESN; April 14, 2012)
- Mike Upstone on Free Energy as a New Economic Standard, and other Alternative Solutions (PESN; April 5, 2012)
- Vision Statement for PES Network, Phase II (PureEnergySystems; March 26, 2012)
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