The Unhived Mind
Brazilian inventors bring free energy device to market
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Higher Perspective
Two Brazilian inventors, Nilson Barbosa and Cleriston Leal, claim to have invented a free energy device and are now selling this device to the public in the Brazilian city of Imperatriz, Maranhão. The device is called the Earth Electron Captor Generator, or “GERADOR CAPTOR DE ELÉTRONS DA TERRA” in Portuguese.
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They are presently only offering the device to people who live in the city of Imperatriz. However, they are working to license production with several manufacturing firms that will allow for online sales. Their website says they will update their page with distributor information when it becomes available.
The device requires a small amount of initial input power to initiate the movement of a sensor, which then produces over-unity power. The device is small, which means it can be used to power vehicles, homes, and businesses. The site claims the input power needed to run it is around 2% of its output power.
They have several sizes of the generator. The smallest prototype they built is capable of generating 12.1 kw of power, with a load of 6000 watts, using only 21 watts input energy. The prototype unit weighs 1.5 kg measuring 20x30x15 cm. The average home needs around 15 kw of power.
The product looks legit. If this is for real, it will replace Dark Wallet as the second most important creation in the history of man, behind Bitcoin of course. The petro-dollar will surely topple in the face of this invention.
Back in September, a Brazilian newspaper reported that the two inventors were arrested for supposedly receiving stolen goods. Apparently they had all of their equipment confiscated during the raid. As best I can make out, the report says they were found to have two energy meters that belonged to a Brazilian energy cooperative.
The two said they were given the energy meters by an engineer of the cooperative. Their lawyers said they were going to file a corpus delicti motion, which means they don’t believe any crime has been committed because they were freely given the meters to use, and the engineer who gave them the meters had even published a report on the internet about it. The two were released on bail. The rumor mill says “that everything is fine now.” From the Peswiki notice, it appears that they are still in operation.
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Here’s a video that apparently shows the device being used to power an industrial facility in Brazil. This video was published on October 3, 2013, not too long after the device went on sale. If this is a hoax, it’s a pretty damn elaborate one.
Update January 30, 2014:
PESN is reporting that one of their people witnessed the Captor in operation first hand, stating that, “Fernando Lins, witnessed the Captor produce 169 kW (797 A at 212 V) while being powered from a 12-V battery through a 2,000-Watt inverter that was providing the Captor with just 1,650 W (7.5 A at 220 V) — a gain of more than a hundred times!”
sasquatch says:
Wonder how many people will be murdered to cover this up ?
- theunhivedmind says:
This is precisely why I am hosting these pictures myself and I will host the videos up as well. Never trust censorship Youtube and corporate hosted media with things like this.
-= The Unhived Mind
- sasquatch says:
Well that’s obvious, that’s why I follow your work along with Jim and others. I remember some time ago there were some Aussie electrical engineers that developed something not quite as efficient, 4 times the output of input based on magnetism. Anyway it was on one of the shit current affair con job programs and they said it would be operational in 12 months. As I expected it has never been heard of again.
- theunhivedmind says:
The way to get these types of devices out to the mass public is very simple. People have to stop craving currency and instead think about humanity and what great things will happen for the people of Earth if they simply release the data online across the internet using webpages, blogs, bittorrents and cloud sharing (mega.co.nz). If you give this kind of technology knowledge away for free then The Worshipful Company of Fuellers will have to bring on energies they have been suppressing for a minimum of seventy-eighty years and longer. Once people stop craving this enslaving currency or even real money and gold then we can progress as a society and do things for humanity not ones self. If people keep playing the currency game and using the Fuellers system like patents etc then all we will have is suppression of each and every device because they will either buy them up or kill you! It is not often today that researchers and the public are assassinated unlike the days of old but when you are dealing with oil companies and something as important and historically changing as this then prepare for the Livery of London to come down hard on you just like they did with Saddam and Gaddafi. Take them out by crashing the banking system, inventing things like Bitcoin and of course diagrams and instructions for devices like this via the web like we saw with the first 3D printed firearm.
-= The Unhived Mind